Saturday, August 07, 2004

Damn that Twisp and Catsby!

Wouldn't you know that it happened again, I had another dream that involved the diabolical duo of Twisp and Catsby. They never seem to realize they are not wanted in my dreams! You would think that two of them could just take a hint by now, but I guess that's expecting too much from a naked demon and a cat that speaks in one word sentences. The dream involved me at dinner with a girl, who shall remain nameless for the sake of mine or her embarassment, and I was talking to her, just normal talking. And We were in a booth, well I look across the booth and who do I see but Twisp and Catsby. And this time I actually had a conversation with them, unlike the last dream I had featuring them.

Catsby (who is actually the demon) asked me for a knife and I said I couldn't give him the knife because he shouldn't be there, and then Twisp (obviously the demon because that makes sense :S) just bouts out, "Rude!" in this upper class, I'm better than you tone. Well I just turned back to the girl that was there and tried to talk, and then Catsby broke in again talking about how my conversation was lacked the subjects to hold the interest of a fruit fly, to which Twisp replied, "Substandard" he only uses one word to talk for some reason.

I mean having dinner with a girl, thats a cool dream. Then you have to insert those two into the fray! I really can't say why I keep having these characters in my dreams. But at least they don't steal things like the ninjas. I had three dreams about ninjas, in one they stole my phone card, another my credit card. And in the other I was driving down the freeway and I passed a Mazda Mini-van full of ninjas. Why the hell would any self respecting ninja drive a mini-van, I don't know, nothing seems right about it.

I guess I better take this time to mention some good movies that are out right now, I saw I,Robot two times, and let me tell you, its a great movie that deserves to be seen again. The acting is good, the comedy is funny but not forced, Will Smith's as good as he's ever been. And best of all they didn't do what everyone expected and tried to force some love-story into it. And if you're looking for good special effects, none I've seen this summer are better.

I saw Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, that was a funny movie, let me tell you, if you think toppal front nudity (is toppal a word?) is wrong, there's a little in this movie. But nothing so bad. I really don't pay attention to breasts in the first place so why would I care about seeing some. There's alot of cursing and drug references, but nothing compared to Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back--if you saw that this will be a cake walk. It was a pretty funny movie, I've loved John Cho since I saw him in American Pie, and then in Off Centre. He's a great comedian and he works well even in large doses, I think this movie was a test of that. Its great to see a buddy comedy involving two smart people for once.

I also saw Bourne Supermacy, I liked it alot better than the first one, espeically the ending. It was a good movie, a very smart thriller, not those ones where you can just go, "He couldn't do that," to everything. I like a movie where I can think about whats going on and I don't have to sit in the theater and dumb myself down for two hours...I like to think while I'm watching TV too, I guess that's why X-Files was such a landmark.

Well my niece is crying, I'm babysitting the three kids for my brother and his wife. Its not so bad one's sleep, one's on the way and the other is watching Dora. I'm sitting here, just about to end this, I keep thinking I should be working on my writing, but this isn't my computer. So I'm just going to go nap or something.

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