Saturday, August 21, 2004

Do You Have A Comrade?

Well I just got settled down from the big move to the college, and I have to say so far things have been great. Everyone here is so nice and stuff and I have been running around with my roomates all day! I have three of them, and they're all cool guys. We went to a little mixer type party and had some food there, that was pretty fun and most of the time has been spent getting to know people.

I met some girls that knew one of my roommates and they seem real nice, they brought us some food while they were on the way over here and I gave one of them some of our tea when she was hanging out. We talked about stuff we had done and just all kinds of things. Then we walked them back to their rooms.

My friend from high school, Diego is here too, he’s in the dorms across the field but they suck SO bad, I mean he and his roommate are in the same room together, and then there just a bathroom. There’s nothing else and its going to be a really big adjustment for him. But maybe he’ll love the guy later.

Well I guess I got a little ahead of myself with the talk about what’s been going on, because I forgot to mention all of the other cool stuff that happened even before I left. My friends got together and threw me sort of a going away party! It was really nice of them and I felt better knowing that they weren’t like super sad about my going away. Tiffany, Aubrey, Alexis, Brian, PJ, Megan, John, Justin (the other one) and Austin came, we went and had a fun little game of laser tag at this place by NASA.

Then we went to this pizza place, hung out and talked and ate. After that we came back to my house and watched some MST (Mystery Science Theater 3000). It’s like one of my favorite shows!

The next day I spent all day packing, but I had time to get away from all of that to go to see Julie, I went and we talked on her steps for a while and she gave me all of her addresses for the internet and her phone numbers and a picture of her to keep. I felt better after talking to her, and I think the gift I gave to her went over really well. I know I’ll be able to talk to her sometimes on here and it’ll just make me feel all good inside.

Back to the present, so far there’s been one small problem, I forgot my memory cards back at the house, so I need to have them mailed or something! I need those two play games. I know they’re there, but I guess they fell out of my bags or something. It really sucks not to have them.

But oh well, I need to get people interactions out of the way and try to make new friends first, I mean what’s life without comradely and companionship! Well I better get off this thing, so you guys later ( I guess that go to all of the fictional people reading this crap!)

Do You Have A Comrade?

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