Sunday, August 15, 2004

It's been one of those slow days....

Greetings you fictional people who may or may not be reading the BS I write in this thing! I have had a very uneventful day. Most of which was spent making the scanner work, but I do have some good pictures to show for it, well some good ones, others just bad. I'm kind of a photography buff, I love to take pictures of my friends and stuff, as a lot of you probably know. And I collect pictures of my friends, even ones from over the web. I just can't get enough pictures! Well I think that when I finally get a job I will buy a little camera, well not little. But a nice camera so I can get some good shots of things going on around me. I think that I could enter a photo contest with some of the stuff I've taken. I even tried to enter some of the photos, but my school canceled the contest.

But one thing I know about my school is that its very cheap, they were always very cheap! But oh well that's over now, I'm off to college in the next week. Most of my day has been spent preparing for the big leap to school, and I can safely say that I'm not ready. I mean theres no simpler way to say that. I was supposed to be packing some of my crap tonight, but I ended up watching Michael Moore's 9/11 movie, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I disagreed with alot of the things he had to say, but I found myself agreeing with him some too. He seems to have a strange dislike for FOX NEWS. What's funny is, so does FOX. For those of you who don't know, Fox, prehaps the most liberal network on television, is different from FOX NEWS, the most conservative news network. While Fox owns them, they are not the same company. I guess its like Exxon and Mobile or something. I never really understood that.

Well there's enough about politices and stuff like that, I think I have something a little more light hearted that I should share, you guys will love these, their quality quotes from, so check it out!

Mike3285: wtf is a palindrome
MaroonSand: no its not dude


<> Omg, I saw the funniest thing today.
<> There was a chalk outline on the floor, like those crime scenes where someone's been murdered.
<> And in the middle of it, someone had written 'PWNED!'

If you didn't get that second one, go into a chat room! Play some online games, my God, where is your inner nerd people. He or she is calling out from the inside in a nasally voice. And do you know what that voice is say? "Please take me to!" Yes that's right. I think that if you go you should be warned that its not the most politically correct place in the world. Matter of a fact I would recommned people easily offended tell their inner nerd to shut up.

On the subject of my story I did a little writing on it today, I've decided to add a few more minor characters. Some of them outside of the FBI office, most of my characters just happened to be FBI agents and I want to try and make things a little more three dimensional. There's just not enough of that in my story. I think later on in the story I'm going to try and hit some heavier subjects in my story, including child death, marital problems and corruption at several levels.

Problem is, I need to finish up the current series of stories I'm doing. What I mean by series is I write kind of like a TV show does, a series is like a season and the first one is about thirteen stories. At the end of these thirteen a common problem will be resolved, in the case of the first, its vampires. They won't be done away with, they just won't be a focal point anymore. But I really want to get to more subjects that take alot of emotion. I may even try to write a short love story, just for kicks to see if I can write one in a way that doesn't make most men cringe with words like, "I saw that in this movie!" I know its hard guys, but love is important, so someone has to write about it once in a while. And now its my turn I think. Besides there can never be no love in the world. That's how this thing works dudes.

I'm done now, and at the request I'm going to change it up a bit... the ending today will feature someone I hope we all know as our Lord and Savior, just one tip. If Jesus challenges you to a video game, just tell him no thanks....

"You're Gonna Carry that Weight"

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