Monday, February 07, 2005

Super Sunday

Did you guys miss the angry version of me? Well I’m sure I can muster up some for the likes of today’s post, even though today was one of the best days I’ve had in a while. Despite the fact that I have been generally nicer this week, people seem to take it as an open invite to mess with me? Don’t ask me why.

I am going to keep on being nice, that’s just my new way I guess. Not that I really mind this stuff right now. What’s really been on my mind is the fact that earlier tonight the abomination that was the Super Bowl came on.

In all its pointlessness, it probably stole the thunder of just about every other show that came on tonight, which is sad considering it was probably infinitely worse than half of them.

People flock to the Super Bowl and most of the time its all because of the commercials. Sad part is, what I saw of them today while I was sitting in the UC were not all that great. Desiree told me that there were some really good ones that were too controversial that got pulled, one of them had to do with the Janet Jackson incident.

I never did get what made that so bad, it was just a nipple—we all have them.

At least this day wasn’t a total waste, I was able to almost completely avoid having to hear about the Super Bowl and I got to finally watch Shaun of the Dead with Mandi. After that was over I went to Desiree’s and just sat with her and talked.

Other than that, the day was pretty uneventful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think the jacksons are like. the jews of pop culture.