Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Tension and the Terror

I have really good news, I asked my friend Sandra out today and she said yes, so this is a really good thing, and I'm happy about it. I'll get to see her this weekend. I really don't want to go into details about how all of this happened, but that's the short version. Then on top of that, today was Neemo's birthday, so I just want to tell him happy birthday.

Yay, good things...

Now for a little bit of bad news, I might not be playing Smash Brothers anymore with my friends for the most part, they want to play in a place and with people that I don't agree with. And I know that when the people over there hear this they're going to say it was because I was losing. But that's not it, its because the people over there don't worry about anything but winning where as I just like to have fun so long as I get to stay alive in the game and play around. On top of that, they play in the only kitchen in that dorm, a place that one thousand plus residents have to share...and we waste it on a game? We even make noise with two people on either side of us to boot.

Saying that I am done is a little different than what I said the other day, I really think that this might be the end of most of it for me as far as playing goes, which is good, I waste far too much time on it. Now I can have more time to write and do all that other stuff I neglect.

I do have something else to say about the whole girlfriend thing, I don't think the fact that I have one has hit me yet...I mean earlier when she was going to bed she said Hey baby, I'm going to bed, and it caught me off guard. I just had to smile, which I really don't think I do enough. Well ending this on a happy note, I need to get back to whatever the hell it is I do at 12:30 in the morning.

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