Sunday, December 05, 2004

Week of Hell

I think that I’m going to have to start back writing again really soon, I need to start trying to clear a place in my mind for what to do next in the story. I have come to a dead end with Endgame a story that I started planning almost two years ago. Probably the only story I have written that has yet to undergo a title change.

It is in essence the only story that has the same basic feel that it had in its planning stages. I’m proud that I’ve kept the same continuality that I promised from the start, all that the opening of a story is really is a promise to see something happen. Whether or not the reader knows the promise until the end is up for grabs, but you can bet that there will be something there by the end.

Even in shows, movies and any games with plots there is some promise. In some ways its hard to tell exactly what it may be.

Right now I have been working on trying to explain some of the back story that there is with Voltaire more thoroughly, he is in fact, the most complicated villain I think I’ve ever made up. Its simply because he is so rooted in the past at some times and things like that.

Now that the next story is not going to feature the Angel crossover idea, I have a better chance to play my own characters up some more. Melanie has come into the limelight more and more as the story has progressed. She is more a part of the group than she has been before. And I think I illustrated that very well. I’m more proud of her than any of my other characters.

I have a lot to do this week, finals are closing in on me and I have some Christmas Cards to make. So I’m going to start on phase two of Desi’s gift, I’m going to make cards for everyone I know and I am going to do all of this in a matter of days…I have to have them done by the 14th, because that’s basically D-Day. Wish me luck, this is going to be the two weeks of Hell.

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