Monday, August 07, 2006

Two Whole Years

Alright, well mark this day, this is the two year anniversary of this place. And I would like to take this time to announce that I am making a new comic. You know how we do.

Since this blog was started:

blink-182's broken up

I've had and lost my first girlfriend

Apple got a deal with Intel

The Dave Chappelle Show has gone off

The Iraq War has been raging on

I've met some of the best friends I will ever have

Fall Out Boy and Panic! At the Disco have gone from small time to the biggest things

Three people from my high school have died

The X-Box 360 has come out and the PS3 and Wii have been announced.

Sequels to Kingdom Hearts and Xenosaga have come out.

Tiffany's gone from dating PJ, to being married to some other dude.(word?)

Penny Arcade has made 156 comics and their first book

Maddox has written 15 articles (sad really)

Zero terror attacks have happened on American soil

My mom has retired

I've gone on and off of medication

I've lost three very good friends, but apparently they weren't as good as I thought.

I've become 67% more effective at sarcasm...

And this site has gotten 7221 hits.

Here's to the future.

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