Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I Think We've Got The Wrong Dicks

I think we've got the wrong dicks.

That was the line a little over two years ago when PJ, Alexis, Tiffany and I came to San Antonio on our Senior trip. The story? Well PJ and I wanted to go to a resturant called Dicks here in town. Its one of those theme resturants and the theme is being rude the costumers. Like sometimes when you ask for more bread they just throw it to you, but its all in good fun.

Well, the girls were not having it, we had to go somewhere nice. And we did, it was okay, but it was boring. No one threw a single thing at us...

PJ and I decided that we could sneak out while the girls were sleep and go back, but I told him that with our luck we would end up in some similarly titled Women's Strip Club, to which he appropriately said 'Justin, I think we've got the wrong dicks'.

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