Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Today Heather and I went to see a movie, it was X-Men three. I actually enjoyed it alot and its always fun hanging out with Heather. We have been doing a lot of stuff together lately, mostly because most of my other friends don't want to hang out anymore. I mean I am lucky if I am able to get hold of half of them by phone or anything else.

I'm not upset about it, because today is one of my days off and Friday I get paid, I am going to go buy a Nintendo DS to play at work, and I am going to try and save as much of the rest as I can. I need to get ready to go to bed, my dad is in town, Heather and I went by to see him yesterday and tomorrow we go by her work and see her, since she's come to see me and helped me stay awake and all of that mess.

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