Tuesday, September 21, 2004

The Queen Is Dead!!!

Well I had to reformat the computer the other day, so I say the Queen is dead meaning that the computer that had the throne for more than a year now has been changed to the current one. I didn’t lose much of anything, so its all good. No hard feelings, right. I did lose some pictures in a folder I had called desk, but there’s no use whining about that now.

Well in the last few days I haven’t been doing much, a lot of hanging out with Allison, a little bit of comic drawing and a lot of writing. My writing has gotten to the point where I should have been months ago, I’m writing the first major turning point in the story line, the death of Voltaire.

I’m actually happy to see it happen now, the whole thing has been taking me so long that I just want to move on and it’s a welcome transition into the next set of stories. Like I’ve said before, I have this all planned out!

But not to get off on that subject too much, I’ve been away for what, four days? Well today is the 21, that means Mean Girls is out on DVD. Man I know this sounds totally homo on my part, but I loved that movie. If you saw it you’d have to admit that it had some damn good writing, I hope to see more stuff like that from Tina Faye in the future, Saturday Night Live taught that girl well.

Even more important that than that though, it Alli comes over tonight and we’re going to watch Clerks. I love that movie and I know she does, as a matter of a fact it was her birthday gift. After the movie and Smallville I’m going to tell her how I feel and ask her out. This is making me so nervous but it has to be done because, well I’ve waited in the past and its turned out bad for me before. And I’ve lost girls I really liked to other guys and stuff like that.

I’m just hoping that all of this goes well, I don’t want to lose a friend over any of this. I don’t expect it to come to that, Allison isn’t like most of the other girls I’ve liked. She seems a little more sensible about guys because she hangs around mostly guys. I don’t know how to say it without things coming out all jumbled up.

Before she gets here I’m going to have to clean this fucking place up, it looks like someone exploded in the middle room. The hole punch dots are all over my floor, there’s hair from one of my roommates on the carpet and that’s not the worst of it all. I’ll run the vacuum before she gets here just to make sure that I get everything up.

Yesterday I borrowed a mop from Allison’s roommate Jennifer, and I was able to mop the floor for the first time. It feels good to be able to see the original color of the floor again, it used to be this color that was like beige or something. (Don’t ask me to describe the color, I’m a guy and guys suck at color—guys made up the race system and yet none of the people are the actual colors we say they are!)

I’m going to clean the shower out too when I’m done taking one, its pretty sad that I have to do all of this alone. But Allison says that she likes it over at our place, I don’t know why, you could get plague just being here. But since she likes it here, we’re watching the movie here. If I can I’m going to try for in my room, I might even close the door to keep people from peeking in here on us.

I want to be able to talk to her after the movie and if Jennifer had come then I would be comfortable enough, but with all those other fuckers gathered around it would be odd. To tell the truth I could care less about seeing Clerks tonight, hell I’ve seen that movie 100 times and yes I love it, but seeing her suits me better I think.

So tonight, its shoping, movie and Smallville all with Alli, I hope it goes well—wish me luck people!

On to the next thing, it would appear that college is harder than high school but not nearly impossible, I got a 90 on my first paper, and 82 on my Antro test, and a 75 on my History Test. I feel proud and now I know I have to study with Allison more often, helps me pay attention.

History was the hardest of the group because, I will always and always have hated that subject. I know the old sayings about “doomed to repeat it” and all that bullshit, but it really bores the hell out of me!
Okay, know what dudes, I’m just going to chalk this up to a double entry day, I’ll be back tonight or early tomorrow with the ‘scoop’ on the rest of this shit, hell I still have one test to get back. See ya!

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