Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Labor Day

Damn, I'm sorry about the updates to this thing, or the lack there of. I spent the weekend back home for Labor Day, well really I just went home to get more of my stuff. But while I was there I saw some more of my friends who seemed to miss me alot, some of them didn't I guess I really haven't been gone that long. But its cool, I'm back here now trying to get some my paper on punk rock done tonight. And praying to God that I get to hang out with Ash;ey tomorrow. I decided I'm going to do a picture for her to take with her, one of my first on Bristol paper since I got ot the college.

I have a book to return to this friend in my class and some software to return to the student store up at the center of the university. I had a pretty average day, played some GTA Vice City. Yesterday was alot of fun though, I hung out with Chanele and Casey alot and we went to the store and got some ice cream. Rightn ow I'm a little pre occupied with this paper so I'm going to wrap it up here.

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