Sunday, September 12, 2004

The City of Never Sleep

To say the least today has been very different, I didn't go to bed until 6 AM, I just got back from Chili's, thats where we had lunch. Its been a slow day today, while yesterday couldn't seem to slow down. And while things are at least going good here at college I can't say that I'm doing as good on my own. My decsion making process is totally out of whack and I seem to want everything to happen too fast. Maybe its jsut being away from home now and not having anyone to say, "Hey you can't go there". I can just do things for myself for the most part. I've got some freedom.

Last night was, well it was fun, I went to the movies, saw Resident Evil 2, which was great and hung out with some people until about 4 AM, I spent two hours after that playing Grand THeft Auto Vice City (this is becoming a trend).

I guess that all I really did yesterday was sit around before that, except that I did watch Mean Girls that I downloaded from the internet. And if you think that makes me a bad person then listen to this, I saw it in theaters and I plan on buying it in nine days when it comes out on DVD. Not all people who use bootlegs are just trying to get by on the movie makers. I just really enjoy the movie.

Last night, I did something really good, or maybe it was really dumb. I bought a movie for this girl I like because it was like her favorite movie and it had a scratch on it. I offered to fix it with the CD Doctor, but that didnt work so I want her to have a real copy of it. I ordered it off Amazon. It was actually under ten bucks in all. But I hope that she likes it since I just did it to surprise her with.

Well I have a paper to finish, stuff to read, I better get my ass off here...

Hell Yeah....

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