Friday, September 17, 2004

The Best And Worst Day You Ever Had

It wasn't like I knew what to expect when this day started out, I didn't know that my computer would crash and cause me to have to reformat the hard drive, I didn't know that I would spend the night with a girl that I can tell would be the perfect girlfriend for me, and I didn't know that I do some of my best game playing ever. What do you call this, "The Worst and Best Day You Ever Had"? I call it a rollercoaster ride worthy of some brakes every once in a while. But yeah, factors beyond my control caused me to have to fix my computer, I lost a little bit of data, but it was minimal, I actually backed up all of the files and piuctures, including my vast array of music. I'm a careful man to say the least.

I had to take two tests today and they were horrible, I feared them and with good reason, I was less than prepared and these were my first big tests of the semester. First chance to prove what I'm really made of here at UTSA. So when the tests were done and fear had passed I guess all that could be left was regret and hope that I've learned my lesson. What came next was something I didn't plan on and it just jumped into my head, I called my friend Adrienne and talked to her for half and hour. She's much younger than me and had crush on me forever! I was surprised to see how she's maturing, which is always good because she's starting to realize that some of the trivial things that she's going through aren't going to ruin her life.She's learning to cope with all of the stuff that's going on around her, which makes me proud because she's become some what of a little sister to me. Which reminds me I need to call Kinsey.

After that I got the gift I got for Allison's birthday ready, an anniversary edition of the movie Clerks by Kevin Smith. She's a big Kevin Smith fan like me and she had talked about getting the movie before. When I heard her say that she wanted it I had my gift picked out for her. I think that I was dead on when I got it, and got the bag. She even said she liked it. We went out to eat and I really didn't get any eating done, I was so nervous I only had one bite of my food before I got it boxed up. But I could tell from the way I was feeling, how my heart felt like it was going to come unhinged that I was starting to fall for this girl.

I know I might have said it alot since Ive been here, and maybe its just because I'm away from home. But I think that she and I have connected better than anyone else I've met here, I mean she just called me the nicest guy shes ever met. She said there should be more guys like me and then she said some other stuff I can't remember because its now approaching dawn, but I remember that it was good. I really can say that I feel happy today over all because of the two hours I spent with her, I mean fuck the other hours of the day spent with the computer as it crashed over and over or with my neck hunched over a test. I had more fun with Allison and Jennifer and hanging out with Casey, and playing games with Brandon, and talking to Chanele than I had trouble getting to all of that fun.

Does anyone remember the line from Clerks when Dante said that all life really was is a series of down notes? Well I think its right in a sense, I mean no matter what you know things have to come back down, there's a reaction to every action, that's just how God made it. But even then you can tell that things will always get better, you can always look forward to the upside. This is the upsdie to all of the tests, the sitting in class hours on end.

I guess I have something to really be thankful for, I can look forward to later today when I'll see Allison, when I'll hang out with more friends and when things will go up and down like today...

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