Saturday, February 25, 2006

Better Days

Has anyone else every tried rum and iced tea? Wow this stuff mixes well. To tell the truth, I'm not big on the drinking scene. But I think that maybe days like this can make you want to drink, they can make you just want to do anything to forget all of the shit you ever did wrong and all of the wrong going on around you. I look at the friends that I really care for and all of them suffering. I really am not the type to worry about people I don't know, sad to say it. But for some reason when I think of the people I don't know I I picture them as None Playable Characters in a roleplaying game.

For those of you who don't know, those are the characters in the game that are just programmed to respond to simple things with yes or no, and they are only there to respond to simple pre picked questions. But in ever game, movie and book you know how when you meet a character that will become important later something just clicks in you head. You can tell that this person isn't just another NPC, they are someone.

Somehow when I meet someone that I will spend some long amount of time with I just can tell that this is a person that I know I will be able to hang out with and talk with. I usually get attached to these people, I usually think of them in a higher way. Tonight for the first time in a long time something odd happened. Boy's Night.

I don't generally have Boys to hang out with, I mean with me things are usually groups of girls or mixed company. Tonight for a few hours it was just dudes. We drank, we played games and we just hung out, had some hot wings and that was cool. No problems came up, no one bitched and no one did any wrong shit to women. I can hang out with guys like this. I can really get along with them, and later on in the night we added two mor,e but one was a girl and the other was Neemo.

Today has given me more than enough to worry over, I have too much to think about, I have too much on my fucking mind and I know right now that I just want to cuddle up with someone and fall asleep, I want to drift away and forget the last few days, I need this, I need rest. In a few days I'll be twenty. I hope that this next year goes better than the last.


Anonymous said...

hey there justin!!! i'm kind you were able to have a boys night out, i looove just having girl nights, so i'd bet guys like having guy nights!!! i read through all your blogs...sorry i haven't been reading them much lately...been kinda busy. but i hope you're doing ok despite having sooo much on your mind. try not worrying so much...i know that sounds stupid, and simple. but take care of yourself're number 1!!! then, you can worry for others!!! to bed again. i woke up early for no apparent i'm going back to sleep!


Anonymous said...

I fukin told yall that Rum was good with your tea!!!!! but NOooooooo....
greg is jsut the crazy mexican alcoholic who doesnt know vodka con cranberry form a black russian!!!

was a fun night tho XP
