I'm sick and fucking tired of people bitching about President Bush. I go out to the stores and its all I hear people talking about. When he's worried about the war people bitch about him ignoring the environment. He goes and talks about the environment recently and low and behold they are suddenly worried about the war and why he's not worried about it.
People are bitching about the death toll in Iraq, and I am no Bush supporter, and I definitely don't agree with being affiliated with a political party, but do you all realize the death tolls of previous wars we've been in? In Vietnam there were weeks where over 4,000 died. Think of that four fucking thousand.
In World War II that many died in one day sometimes...so you think this war is a bloody mess. History shows us it's not. Hell, terrorism must not be an effective way of fighting if they are over there killing as many of themselves, or more in this case, than they do of themselves.
And to those who support Israel because its the homeland of the Jews and consequently, Jesus, you all need to pull your heads out of your asses. Israel is fucking up. If we did what they were doing to those people over there the whole world would jump us. Even Jesus would kick someone in the crotch for acting like a dick, which they are, blowing up ambulances and the like.
I really don't go on political rants often, but this is more of a stupid people rant. Look at the things you're saying, you try to answer questions you haven't heard yet. Political Parties are the dumbest thing since some fucktard tried to invent the football bat. And then to you who would defend Israel...that's not their country anymore. They lost that in a war fair and square. How would you like it if after World War III some other people somewhere came and told us that we had to give England control of the whole East Coast, even though they lost it centuries ago in a war?
That's what happened to the Palestinians after World War II, before you speak out, learn what you're talking about; otherwise you might just show off your stupidity.
Did you know the US Senate just rejected Bush's Iraq plan to send more troops? Yay :)
Well I don't know if that is such a good idea. I mean we made the mess over there, really that place would have been better if we had just left Saddam in charge. He didn't like the terrorists and kept them from flourishing because he was running one of the more secular countries over there. I think that is the real reason Iraq was targeted. If you wanted to turn them to Democracy, where better to start than with the most secular of the countries?
But now that mess is ours to clean up, of course the government over there needs to realize that they need to help us too, or we will just pull out.
Frankly, the Israel situation is not as cut and dry as you state, and they're not in the wrong so much as it may seem. For example, Israel DID NOT target ambulances- that's absurd. Turns out it was a sob story fabricated by Hezbollah.
Go here - http://www.zombietime.com/
reuters_photo_fraud/ - and scroll down until you see the ambulance photos. Yes, the site seems biased... most talk about this conflict is. But judge for yourself, I think it makes a pretty good case that the "ambulance missle" is stupid.
As for the rest of the site, it has some interesting points in parts. Some of it is a bit of a stretch, but my point is that Israel is not the devil like some people believe it to be. And neither is the American media- I think they BOTH get a bad rap.
Anyways, just a little something to chew on.
Its hard to tell what is true with the media anymore, and I'm not accusing the media of being liberal, because even the conservative slanted channels mess up. Fox reported a rumor that turned out to be a blatant lie. I really do wish that people wouldn't go on smear campaigns giving others untrue things to fire back with. However Israel did get their country back after World War II and we (the allies) redrew the maps in a place without giving the people living there much say.
Right, but I'm saying that "pull my head out of my ass" is a little harsh and shortsighted. As much as I can determine, Israelis and Palestinians are equally at fault, and that's not a view you see represented very often.
And I know you weren't accusing the media, no worries. I was just elaborating my point.
Well I do think they are equally at fault, because if they didn't want the Israelis there, they could have taken a more diplomatic approach to getting their country back, at least before they just started fighting each other. I don't even understand how the media can try to paint either of them as the better. They call the Palestinians soldiers terrorists, but then they call the soldiers from Israeli just soldiers. That's just bias and I think that if they are going to report something they need to at least try and give a non-bias opinion. And then I see people will banners on their pages with words like "No matter where I stand, I stand with Israel." Well that's another case of people taking a side for stuff that hasn't even happen. No country is infallible, I don't take a side until I at least know some of what is going on.
he did kinda put a disclaimer in the title...
you say that history proves that this war is NOT a bloody mess,, looking at the death tolls. as of this morning, 3,057 men and women have DIED in this "action" that is the iraq "war." i would like you to look anyone in the eye who has lost a son or daughter to this "war" and tell them that their loss was less significant than someone who lost a loved one in vietnam or WWII.
secondly, one of the reasons that the death toll is as low as it has been is the advances in field medicine over the last 60 years. you say that the death toll in iraq is low... but what about the wounded figures? as of this morning at 10 am, 23,114 american men and women have been wounded in combat. they may not be dead, but what kind of life are they leading when they are without a limb or going through months and years of physical and emotional therepy?
i dont know how many people need to die or be injured for you to consider a conflict a "bloody mess", but i think 26,171 dead and wounded is suffient enough...
Just because a war is less bloody doesn't make the contributions to the war less. I mean go look at the wounded numbers for a War like World War II, I bet they are three times that for three years. Probably about the same for Vietnam. Most of the people complaining seem to be the people who have lost no one in the war. And they are making the contributions of those soldiers seem like they are worth nothing. If we pull out of these with no resolution, they will be for nothing.
And its not the advances in medicine that have helped, although that is part of it. But the bigger part is training, weaponry and tactics. We're using the best of all three while they are hurting more of their own than really effectively attacking us.
Realistically more people died on September 11th than died in this war up until just recently I think. Now we're stuck there because we didn't just leave Saddam in power. We'd have been better off laying the place to waste with nukes and not losing a single soldier. But we can't do that because despite the other sides unwillingness to accept our 'rules' for warfare, we have to take the moral high ground instead of just doing to them what they would to us if given half a chance.
"Did you know the US Senate just rejected Bush's Iraq plan to send more troops? Yay :)"
Actually, it was a Senate committee that rejected it. The actual, full Senate will vote on it next week.
And Justin, the Iraqi government has been continually asking the US to leave Iraq. We are getting deeply involved in a civil war of which we should not be a part. If we pull out now, not only will we be doing the right thing, but we will also be sending a message to the Iraqi government that they have to (and can) step up to the plate. Plus, the insurgency will stop. The reason the American people keep bitching is because our asinine monkey of a President simply cannot get this through his thickass skull.
Not much good asking a philosophy major about politics. Tell you what though: I'll work on theories of ethics, free will, and theism, and I'll let the political science majors decide how they want to put them into practice.
Iraq was NOT better with Saddam running it, ask the population of the Shite before you say that.
It's hard for people our age to understand the issue with Saddam is because we weren't alive or really young. You guys remember Desert Storm? That happened because Saddam up and decided that hey, I want Kuwait, and it just blew up from there. Saddam lost and he had to follow the regulations of the U.N., but guess what? He had been pussy footing around the rules for YEARS, I'm surprised that he didn't get arrested sooner, but then I don't like how the U.N. does things.
Another thing we need to keep in mind is that the Iraq situation is going to take a LONG TIME, and by long I mean over 10 years. People think it's just an in and out deal, even now, 5 years later, but it's impossible, these things take time.
The only real problem I have with this war is that it is unlike an other war America as a nation had to deal with. This is the only one that we started on the offensive with.
I hate to say it, but if you look back at what happened before Desert Storm, the US Ambassador to his country told him he could take Kuwait, when he did it, we attacked him. Not only that, but before that, Saddam was an ally of ours. And the reason that he 'mistreated' those people is because of how they are acting right now.
When Saddam took over the country they were doing the same thing, and he kept threatening them. Finally he laid waste to some town. Sometimes that's all that people will understand. They know we won't do that, so now they think they can freely act up. But they earned the way that he had to treat them. None of them listen to reason and this stuff going on is exactly what proves that. Its the same thing they did when he took over. He set them straight.
More over, us killing Saddam was illegal.
I have to reply to this: no, many less died in September 11 than in this war. The 3K figure only accounts for U.S. deaths, and does not include the tens of thousands of Iraq citizens (not carrying weapons, but innocent men, women, and children who were killed by U.S. and Iraqi troops). We forget this demographic, mainly because we realize that they are not real people. Now, I pity the American troops who have died, but don't feel sorry for them. They knew or at least should have known what they were getting into when they signed up for the ARMED SERVICES. Bush deserves whatever criticism comes his way, as does anyone else involved with his administration. Israel is all but the next WWII era Germany. They have concentration camps, torture prisons, and arrest and fill the aforementioned places with innocent Palestinians (including anyone who holds office in student government at a university). Sharon was a terrorist and implemented torture chambers that would make Himmler say "Shist".
And Justin, we didn't technically kill Saddam. The Iraq government senteced him and hanged him in the same gallows where Saddam used to have prisoners hanged. Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?
I will agree that this war was something we should have never gotten into with Iraq, and I also think that even while Saddam was in power, he didn't get as many people killed with his policies as we have with our war. Spreading democracy...isn't the idea of democracy to make sure people have their choice? If they wanted democracy they could have asked, but they didn't. My point is we should have left Saddam in power, and someone should kick Isreal in the nuts and tell them, "Cut your shit!"
I mean Israel is threatening to use nukes now, which is just absurd because if they start firing them and someone else fires back, or even worse fires at us, then the shit hits the fan because there's thousands of them in our possession.
Eww Alanis Morriset reference...gag! lol. But we handed him over to be killed when we probably should have hired him to try and quell those fuckers.
Thus, it shall be,
World without end,
Thanks be to [God]
God is man.
How easily he/she takes many lives over there
but plants so many over here.
Such a sad species.
A flawed one in fact, we are.
We are accidents waiting to happen.
We don't know right from wrong
because what we ultimately know is wrong,
We do that to make things right.
Doublethink for a minute.
Okay...you ready now?
Its okay to be stupid sometimes.
Stupid is Ignorance walking the dog,
Fast food queens.
I could go on...
but please...
An American Dream?
Feels good to already
Have it.
Third-world family,
Our number one fanatic.
You see we never know where we are,
What are country is,
What there country is,
How we are both living.
We can be told.
We are always told unless we do see.
We know everything that is happening.
We know nothing that is happening.
We never know.
I don't know what conspriacy theory you've been reading, but the US ambassador didn't give the go ahead to attempt to take over Kuwait. Iraq has been miffed about Kuwait ever since it became it's own country, Iraq has tried to invade it before, back in the 40s and 50s (Britian stopped them that time).
And of course the Shiite have been rebelling against the Iraqi dictatorship, there has been an on going fued between the Shunis (which Saddam was apart of) and the Shiites, ever since there were issues in deciding who would secede Mohammad. Iraq is the only place where the Shiite ounumber the Shuni, Saddam didn't just mistreat them, he MASSACRED them, killing there women and children, mowing over towns (I hope you notice the plural). He did not set them straight, he was trying to blink them out of existence
We were his ally at one time, true, but it didn't take us long to realize that all he would do is embarrass us, so we broke off ties.
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