Thursday, January 18, 2007

What Is Unattainable?

What I wrote yesterday seemed to illicit some response. I guess its because so many guys have gotten shit on by the whole thing. All that I have to say in the defense of the women is I can figure while you do it. And its something that Chris Rock said, because really when the guy is talking he speaks a lot of truth for a comedian.

Basically what he said was that the reason that women are so defensive is because from the time they are about fourteen years old they have men trying to offer them sex.

Now before any of you girls call my bluff think about the number of times you've had guys go out of their way for you, now think back to how long those guys stuck around after they figured out they weren't getting any. Even I am guilty of this. Not in the same way that I stated. But I've been trying to talk to a woman, get their attention and the like and then I notice a wedding ring and I scatter like roaches when the light comes on.

Does it make me a bad guy if I lose interest in a woman when I realize she's unattainable? I mean some people would say that its just me being shallow that I don't get to know the person first, but I assure you that I think her husband would beg to differ.

But there are some girls who aren't unattainable, but they are just harder to go for. Recently I started to think about what it would take to go after someone who you really cared for and what it was worth. What I mean by that is that if you think the person is so important that you can't stand to let them pass by. And even then there is always that time when you just have to chalk it up to that unattainable category. Right now I am trying to decide what to do.

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