Friday, January 12, 2007

Trophy Wife

Today is when I go home, I really don't want to go back right now, I am really content ot sit here and just type, maybe hang out with some of the people that are still around. I'm not really that excited about Christmas. I don't really hate the holiday, I actually hate Thanksgiving. One good thing is that when I go home I might get to see people that I haven't seen in a long time. I talked to Julie Matteson the other day, Julie and I haven't seen each other since I left for school almost three years ago. I really miss Julie, she was one of the few people that I knew who really felt like she actually meant and did the right thing all of the time. I haven't seen Matt, another friend of mine since my first year of college. PJ and John I see when I go home pretty much, but its always good to get to see them.

I really hope that in my week there I get to see the people that I really miss. So that I can make this trip at least half worth it. People around me are really becoming more and more stressful, which is partly why some of the things that I have done some of the things I have recently. Whether or not some of the stress is relieved remains to be seen.

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