Tuesday, January 30, 2007


While doing more research for my second story, I came across some interesting stuff based on old Hebrew myth. Most if it has to do with the Lilithian myth. Lilith is the first wife of Adam, according to myth, most people haven't heard of this. But when Lilith was told she would have to lay below Adam during intercourse she became irate and argued with him telling him she would not comply.

Eventually she became so angry with him insisting that this happen that she yelled the name of God, which is a big no no, and flew off into the sky. God sent three Angels to get her, their names were Senoy, Sansenoy, and Semangelof. The names of these angels is a big deal because we can notice that they, much like Lucifer, do not possess the "el" in their names.

Lilith refused to return and the Angels told her that 100 of her children would die each day until she did. She still refused and chose to go off and mate with the demons that roamed the Earth. Now how the story research led me here...if I were to say it would give some of the story away, but I think it is a little interesting to think about this story. Because this would mean several things, one that Lilith was without Original sin, therefore she would be immortal. And two that the entire argument sounds very feminist in scope.

Add on that most of what we know about Lilith was found at a time when being a feminist was probably a crime about as bad as being a witch and would get you hanged. Now many of the more modern incarnations of Lilith have to do with pagan religion, sometimes even vampires come up as being the children of Liith, or Lillum (Lillin). Notice that the tense of the word is only feminine, the masculine, Lillus is hardly used.

I just thought all of this was a little interesting, of course I find strange shit like this to be of value you when almost none of it fits canonically with Bible, there is only one mention of Lilith there, which might be the only proof that any of this other shit is valid.


Anonymous said...

Yay!! I love Jewish mythology... all the things that got left out of the Scriptures. For instance I've always been intrigued by the fact that if you translate the names of the people listed in the genealogy in Genesis Five, and then put them all together, it forms a coherent sentence about a god who comes down to earth: "Though man is appointed unto mortal sorrow, the God shall come down, giving rest unto men in their toils." Genesis is amazing! Hebrew mysticism is amazing too. Any kind of mythology or legendarium, to tell the truth. Good luck with your studying!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think the myth of Lilith has even been hypothesized as an explanation of what the beginning of Genesis 6 is talking about: sons of God lying with the daughters of man. Maybe the daughters of man were Lilith's children or something.

Here's a site explaining what Boze means: http://www.allabouttruth.o
I asked my Old Testament professor about it and he said "the names Genesis 5 do not translate as neatly as the website supposes." Of course, the site itself says that this is an objection. So I dunno.

Anonymous said...

Where in the Bible does it mention her?

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

I looked it up for you Kara, she's only mentioned in Isaiah 34:14 according to wikipedia, but the name in there could say something like Lamia, which is another name for her I think (that's if I read this article correctly, a lot of times it jumps to being in Hebrew)

Anonymous said...

Ah, I love this kinda stuff !

Thanks for the mention, Justin!

Quick question though, didn't Lucifer have many names or am I confusing all this with something else ?

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

Lucifer has many names, I have heard him called The Morning Star, but that is also a reference to Jesus, then Lucifer could be called Satan, the Devil, the Light Bearer, and then there are the things he is called commonly like The Fallen One, I know there are some others but I can't think of them off the top of my head.

But it is possible that Lucifer has another name, one that does have the 'el' in it and it got lost somewhere along the way.

Anonymous said...

That is cool, I never knew that.

Anonymous said...

I've heard of this before...I don't rmember where from though.

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

It might have been from me blabbing, or X-Files, I think they talked about it. A lot of different things use this as the basis of what they are doing. Oh you know it might have been that game Vampire the Masquerade.

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of this, but I don't believe it true...

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

Well she is mentioned right in the Bible, and in several older Jewish texts, and she is even mentioned very many times in the Dead Sea Scrolls. In the sense that there is a person written about with the name Lilith its true, now is it true in the historical sense, probably not.