Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Fuck That Name...

I talked to a girl today who shared her name with another girl, a girl who has become notorious as far as I am concerned for lying and being a total waste of my time. Someone who should have never met me, someone I should have never met. I feel used when I think about this and even though this other girl seems pretty cool and even sencere I can't get over ther person who came before her. The person who walked all over the friendship I offered and spit it back in my face by lying about me.

More than ever I just say fuck her. She's not worth it and she wasn't even the first to do this, but she lied the most, spread more rumors and made more people think I was something I am not. Now when I think about her, I don't think of a friend that I lost in a misunderstanding, I think of the girl who had all of the friendship she needed and caring she could have asked for and she decided that it would be better to throw it all in my face, walk away and then lie about me to others. Then tell me she had been lying to me about how she felt all along, that she didn't want my around, that it was always me who wanted to be there.

Its bad when you leave a mark so bad that the next person who comes along and shares that name has to have it taken out on them.

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