Saturday, May 27, 2006


It has been far too long since I last typed one of these and I feel like there is something really wrong when I don't come back to one of the things that I have been doing the longest consistently on the internet, my blog. I make sure that I keep everyone udated as to what is going on in my life. And well right now things are turbulent, things are going every direction and I don't know what I can expect next.

I got a job working as a security guard at car dealerships and I sort of like it, I get to do a lot of thinking out there while I am walking around and looking for things, and it gives me an oppurtunity to keep the same whacky hours I have always have. Then there is the fact that I live with my brother now, which I think I mentioned before, that takes some getting used to.

Probably the best thing to come out of all of this is the fact that I have gotten closer to Heather because I have been able to sit and talk with her some more, I think more than most of the other people we used to hang out with I am begining to understand her better and that is always a good thing. Its odd how people I used to see all of the time, even on accident, like Landis and Brandon, I hardly see at all. And people I had trouble finding, like Heather, are easier to find now.

Another thing, I am off the medication now, which is great, I hated the stuff anyway, so I will be attending thearpy regularly from now on, like once a week. That's all I really have to say for right now, to all of those I haven't seen in a while, I miss you, and I hope to see you soon.

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