Monday, January 17, 2005


Recently I saw a news story about the American cell phone market trying to integrate pornography into many of the applications commonly associated with cell phones. We’re talking about there being pornographic ring tones, backgrounds, and maybe even streamed video.

Some people may think that this is not that far from what is going on right now, but if you really think about it, how far is too far? Porn can’t serve its real purpose on a cell phone, and not that I like too look at porn because I find it totally disgusting and sickening to see, but I think that it is already more accessible than necessary.

Most of the time with porn people are trying to derive some pleasure out of the pictures or videos they are viewing. Since cell phones are used in public and any time that you are at home you could use your computer, then it is safe to say that some of the things associated with pornography are not even legal in country.

Porn is getting to the point that it is so utterly ridiculous that people are starting to revert back to older technology to view it. I mean, while the cell phone is like an area of the media where progress is made, seeing how we can now watch television on our phones and the like, the pornography industry is not just spreading into the arena of wireless communication.

It is also becoming more and more common to see pornographic stories on the internet, people are actually using stories of an erotic nature to get a rise and I just sit and think to myself, how stupid is that?

And what makes me dislike these stories so much is not that they are written about the subject of sex, but it is the manner in which they talk about sex. I don’t see the point in using words like “pussy” or “dick” inside of the narrative part of the story. Not only does it break the mood if you’re trying to be at all romantic, but it just makes you seem like you don’t know the proper terms or something.

When I write I take care not to write with curse words or even slang in the narrative part of the story. I will make an exception once in a while, but never multiple times in the same story.

I just can’t see the point in someone reading an erotic story to get turned on, and then if not that, then what for? I really don’t understand it. And I have friends that write them and I understand that they enjoy it, but I just don’t know how to rationalize it. I don’t know where they are really coming from with the whole genre.

I guess as long as you make people happy that’s all that matters, but at least do a good job of it, don’t make it all raunchy and unbearably disgusting. I think that a lot of writers just do it for attention or to get shock value and really people don’t get shocked by it anymore because so many other people have done it.

Porn seems to be in a constant state of progression, and despite the fact that I hate it with a passion and with every fiber of my being, its in part a good thing because it helps the internet and the DVD industry. Most of the internet technology owes its thanks for its existence to porn and the industry that bares its name.

But I fear that porn might digress to the point that it’s just pornography in binary and people just sit around and look at the ‘1’ and ‘0’ code on the screen and masturbate.

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