Monday, October 03, 2005

"To What Ever It Takes"

This weekend was a very good weekend, I never expected it to be but things just seemed to fall into place. I met a lot of people this weekend, one of them really stood out, she's very nice, funny, pretty and seems to be oddly nice to me. It's fun to have a new friend and not know what to expect yet.

Is it odd that it scares the shit out of my to think of a relationship and yet I really want one, I want a chance to prove to myself that I have it in me to do things right. Over the last year and a half I changed a lot, I mean over the last four months I've changed a lot. I've learned a lot and I've learned what to look out for, I mean I should have. Last year especially I got tricked into thinking someone was something when they were something else all together.

Getting over that combined with the other previous failures is hard. But I guess that I'll just have not get too ahead of myself, I have a way of doing that. And it sucks to get your hopes to have them dashed. There's been a lot of things brewing up lately, I mean aside from the new friendships. There has been a lot of arguing going on in our little group. Not that I'm worried, I mean I knew it would come sooner or later.

Everyone's mad at someone or something, for the most part I haven't really been in the group, I've kind of moved around on the edges and outside of it, skirted this fight so far, but there's two people who if anyone messes with too much I'll have to step in, Allison and Jenn, those two never did anything wrong to anyone. They don't need to be messed with.

Lately I have not been using many of my HTML tags, I guess when I first learned them I was eager to use them or something, now it seems I only do them when need be, but I miss them kind of. So I think I'll have to start using them more like I used to...

Well I need to go brush my teeth and get ready to go to lunch, I'll be around later on.

1 comment:

Beth Schofield said...

Justin, I'm glad that you're staying out of your group's disagreements. I'm 35 years old, and that's the whole reason I created my blog last week. I just needed to vent. If you're ever interested, the name of my Blog is Sitting In my Schofield. Beth