Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Odd Day

Today was odd to say the least, but its even odder that I'm already tired when I don't normally go to bed until around 5:00 AM. I had a few good discussions with some people today, most of them just me trying to interact with someone else. I got that done some today when I hung out over in the other dorms that are right across from here.

I've come to that point where I am not dealing with others when I don't want to, I realize now that something someone very dear said not too long ago about learning to treat myself sometimes really comes in handy here. I've learned to talk about myself and treat myself every once in a while, well enough to get through the day. Although I have to wonder about a lot of the other things that work around here. How does a girl who whines about not being able to meet nice guys, turn down someone's attempts to talk to her twice and then bitch about having a stalker? I mean just because I eat dinner around the same time you do in a cafe that holds over two hundred people doesn't mean you have a stalker.

I don't care about it anymore, I have so many other things to do. But it makes me mad at the other people who do this. You can't be expecting some miraculous guy to find you even when you turn down every attempt made. Right now I'm not even worried about it, but it just seems so dumb how women work at times, they contradict themselves and then complain when they aren't understood. You need to try and udnerstand yourself first.

I mean since school started I have had one girl talk to me, IM me, want me to call her, and then she asked me to meet her on campus only to not show up three times, then when called not pick up her phone and when questioned online she would either not respond or if it happened mid converstation she would mysteriously go offline. Another girl when asked to go get coffee freaked out and decided I was a stalker? Like what the fuck, you were just bitching about how guys never talk to you. When one does he's a stalking you? Sounds like someone I remember from last year.

There is however goodnews, a girl is coming down this weekend to hang out, as is a friend from home, Charlie Torres. I'm hoping that this weekend will be a repeat of the last one. Also I plan to talk to this girl more about the modeling thing at dinner tomorrow, I hope this goes well. She seems to actually like hanging out with me and she's not shy so I hope she doesn't mind taking like five to ten pics or so!

Well I have to go, I'm ultra tired.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heh heh, well, there's a difference between 'women' and 'stupid women.' Women that have common sense are usually on the lookout for a nice guy, and don't point the 'stalker' accusation at every guy who comes their way. Stupid women do, and unfortunately it looks like you've had a bad encounter with some little girls trying to act like women.

Of course, everyone makes mistakes. We women don't understand you men either, and sometimes women feel they do have a legit fear, since women are more likely to be assualted, raped, etc. Sometimes, fear + stupid = problem. So I wouldn't get too worked up over it.

Patience is often rewarded. It might not seem like it now, but someday you'll find someone really worthwhile, so hang in there.

~Megan (whose Blogger password is lost)