Monday, September 19, 2005

The gulf between male and female is deeper than the biggest ocean

The gulf between male and female is deeper than the biggest ocean.

Something I read today let me know, let me understand that I will never truly understand women, I will never be able to figure them out. I will never be closer to understand them than I am right now, but I don't have to understand to love someone and yes I still believe in love. Any dumb thing I might have said during all of these last few months about not being sure, something showed me its still out there.

I can't say just what, but I can say that I do believe, and I'm stronger for what happened this summer, sure its not all over, this is the begining. It's just like it says above, deeper than the biggest oceans, we've never even explored the deepest ocean here. And the thing is, how can you understand women, how can they understand men, when neither of us understands ourselves?

I once told someone very important to me, Men are easy, women are the ones who are hard. I was so wrong and I apologize, men are not easy, no people are easy or simple to figure out. Even the most shallow person on the surface is a deep multilayered being. And now I see how wrong I can be. I see how much I can read into something.

I learned so much over the summer, I learned people actually will be interested in things I do if I take time to at least talk about myself, I learned some other things too that I'm too tired to list out. I just know that I have hope that in the end things will work out for the best.

But now I had some things to talk about, I've started a new story with made up's going to be the shit. I just wanted to say that. I don't know why, no one on here reads my stories anyway, I never give them out. But I do have this to say, I've been drawing my ass off and the story came from one of the idea I had when I was drawing.

Last week was a blur, Allison's birthday has come and gone, CJ and I hung out alot, and I did something I have not done in a long time, I played a videogame all the way through. When it was done I was like, what the fuck, I actually did that. It reminded me of Junior High. I miss those times, I think that was the last time I was mostly happy for any amount of time longer than a month.

Oh and they booted my car, it is so bad ass...not really. It's going to be 345$ to pay the tickets, 75 for the boot removal and 108 for the permit. I was like this is fucking ridculous, why don't they include the parking permit in the fee for tuition. I know, not everyone has a car, but they include the gymn fees and less people go to the gym then have a car. Oh well, I'll pay it tomorrow.

I need to go now, have drawings I promised people.


Anonymous said...

i disagree with the title... i sorta wish you could do what i did. having walked around in both their shoes for a while. like Tiresias.

i never so right and balanced and in my place in the world til i learned what being a girl was about, until people actually let me do so... it never all made sense til then. i never really made sense til then. i really mean that.

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

But I think when you have the chance to be raised as one and meant to be the other there's something different that happens. You get an insight into both sides. I really don't think it would be possible for me to understand both sides the way I am now. I mean if I were to switch bodies with Allison for a day I don't think I would really understand her. I might get better insight into her, but never really understand.