Sunday, September 18, 2005

A Brand New Day (Nothing New)

There's nothing new going on here really, I just stayed up all night and I am about to hit the sack for a little nap so that I can grab a bite to eat later before the on campus cafe closes.

I just watching Advent Children, that's why I'm up, I had to insert the subtitles myself and it took me a while to figure it out, but my overwhelming want to see that movie won out and it was worth every second of it. Watching it I learned something, or realized something I hadn't before.

We all spend so much time trying to live up to something, something that we don't even want half of the time. We do something because our parents want us to, our girlfriends and boyfriends want us to, but how often do you really do something without any stigma attached? How often do you do something for yourself?

The main character in the movie fought for a person he loved that had died, when it came time to fight again he had lost most of the drive to do anything. Aren't we like that when we don't fight for ourselves, when we don't know what we even want. If fighting for someone else makes you happy, then do it, but you don't always have to live up to someone to be happy. Great people fall because they do something great and spend their entire lives trying to live up to that thing and top it.

I said something earlier that I might need to repeat, most masterpieces are not forced. They're not bound by just what the creator wanted everyone to think and see as the masterful part of it, they're great and timeless because people of all walks and life throughout all time can see something there.

I don't really know why I'm writing all of this, I don't think there's anyone to read this anymore, I guess the only reason is because I'm still here. A few days ago I was ready to either start a new blog and close this one down, or just stop with the blogging completely. A lot of things have happened in the year this blog has been up, but I think that the good things written about in here need to be remembered and the bad things need to serve as a lesson. So this blog stays up and this blog will continue to exist until I get married, at which time I'll start a new one. I will keep this thing running because it's a document of me as an adult for the first few years. Out here alone, and I'm starting to see just how alone sometimes.

Well, I'm dog tired, I deserve a napper. I have so much to tell you all about this week, but it'll have to wait for another day, which thankfully will come for this blog.

UPDATE: It pains me to say, but Autumn and I seem to have come to the same Y in the road and she choose the other path, she's decided to stop doing her blog September's Girl. All I have to say is she will be missed and although I know I can talk to her online, it won't be the same as seeing that page I've come to love over the last few months. I guess out of the group we started with, just me, Amanda and Twinks are left. And I still have Emily and Candice around. Man, everyone's leaving... makes me wonder about the day I write my farewell message...

My links will remain unchanged as a tribute to what there once was...


Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm doing this whole anonymous thing. I just don't feel like putting in my name and password, but I wanted to thank you for your comment, etc. and just say hi kind of. Things seem to be coming together. Hey, at least the world doesn't seem to be falling apart at the moment. ~Amanda (Silly Girl)

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

Thanks for dropping by, its always nice to see you around and to know that you're alright. Funny, after Emily, you were the first person's blog I read!