Thursday, December 15, 2005

I Am Jack's Thoughts

Thearpy today, it was long and boring, I am tired and have not had the sleep that I have so desired to get and I feel like I just need to draw to get this picture that I have in my head out of my system. I'm so tired to the point that I am starting to get sore. My stomach hurts and the only reason I am here writing this is because I was waiting on someone to get back so that I could go to get some food with them.

I've been wondering, is it hard for some people to just accept that someone else may feel different than them? I mean when I have an opinion do I always have to come to an agreement with someone else. And moreso just because something is the norm or even a law, does that mean I need to agree with it just to follow it.

What if I don't give a damn about the grass and would rather walk on it, but just because that sign says not to, I don't? Does that mean that I should be shot for feeling differently, I thought this country was built on free speech, what about free thought? You are free to say as you will so long as you feel as we do?

Where is the fairness in that? I'm starting to feel more and more like I need alone time, and yet here I am at this place where its so hard just to get that.

Well I am going to head out, I am sleepy and its hard to write.

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