I’ve been trying to gauge when its okay for me to tell people to stop without sounding kind of odd.
Everyone has had the inevitable times when a conversation got to a subject that they were less than comfortable, maybe its because of the person’s views. Like there are those I absolutely can’t talk politics or religion with because they end up calling me stupid and I don’t take well to that. The last time that it happened, it pretty much destroyed any chance of this dude and I becoming good friends because he acted as if he had every right to act that way, even after the fact because he was passionate about something.
That really has less to do with comfort zones than it does with me not wanting to get into random fights.
But what if you’re the one in the wrong? What if you’re being too sensitive and all the other person is doing is talking about whatever and you suddenly realize that its bothering you? I feel like I can’t say anything because its just not expected of me. Most anyone that knows me knows I can talk about anything and I’m always that guy who tries to leave no topic untouched.
Though what is there to do when things take that unexpected turn and you find yourself on the other side of things.
It’s easy to be the pushy one, but when you catch a glimpse from the flipside—its not all that fun being pushed or pulled.
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