Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Perfect Attendance Streak

A snake tried to bite me today, so I took a shotgun and bit him back.

If you couldn’t tell, this post is only here to keep up my perfect attendance streak.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

When Will the Writing World Stop Complaining About “Twilight”?

I haven’t always been so active in the online writing community, for the longest time my writing was something I kept to myself as a personal thing. I shared it with few and I never really discussed it besides with a close friend or two.

Since I have been more open and out there about it, Twilight has been the dominating force in the world of writing, especially when you’re talking about Young Adult Paranormal Fiction. And rightfully so, it’s reached people of many ages, reached across many different cultures and has spanned a series of blockbuster films.

Before I go any further I have to admit, I’ve never read the books. I have seen the movies though and found them to be entertaining, not heart stopping but definitely not the worst things I’ve seen.

My question has less to do with the movies, seeing as how I am talking about writing here. But why is it that every forum post, every blog, everything from writers out there is a complaint about Twilight? People devote movements to hating it, they pay money to attend the movie and mock it…

So much of the talking seems to stem from anger and jealousy over the success of Meyers. I think that some of the writers out there haven’t gotten over the fact that by and large, the industry isn’t looking for the most verbose, well written thing possible.

It’s looking for decent stories and plot that are relatable and immersive. Guess what? Writing isn’t the only form of readily available entertainment and your average reader isn’t going to spend their life in a book. You can’t get mad because people don’t want to read thousands of pages of description and what’s considered more literary. Books like Twilight aren’t the enemy, they’re apparently where the market is and whether you like it or not, as a writer you’re going to have to contend in that market.

So do yourself a favor and use the time you’re complaining with to better improve your own craft.

Monday, September 27, 2010

My Fall Cleaning

I took the time to sit down yesterday and take stock of all the numbers in the phone. Some of them might be people I haven’t called in years and some of them are good friends who I hear from almost daily.

It’s a tough thing to just delete someone out of your phone, it feels like deleting them out of your life. Some I’ve kept, despite their being wrong and in the case of my brother, though he’s dead I still like that his number is there in my phone. Call it foolish, but its the truth.

You can’t scroll through your phone and not dredge up some memories and sometimes even a few instances of “who is this?” here and there. I feel like the technology has really become imbedded in our lives, these experiences with face book and cell phones weren’t common twenty years ago…they were less common even ten years ago.

So I’ve plucked out the people whom I have no place for anymore. I’ve stripped away those who I can’t talk to, won’t talk to and especially those who won’t talk to me. Sometimes I wonder why I added a number when I see it, it was bound to never get dialed, many of them weren’t.

But as I do this, there’s something odd about some of the people you cut out. Maybe its that I look for a common pattern in things where there really isn’t one. Some of them shaped me so much, whether good or bad, some of them I just have no desire to talk to and I think that inside I know that it ended because I was tired of carrying us. I was tired of being the only one who could pick up a phone when they didn’t need something.

And then there’s the good. I can honestly say I don’t have any of those friends right now, all of them are there for me in some capacity. I don’t have to be the one to initiate conversation and that feels great.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Comfort Zone

I’ve been trying to gauge when its okay for me to tell people to stop without sounding kind of odd.

Everyone has had the inevitable times when a conversation got to a subject that they were less than comfortable, maybe its because of the person’s views. Like there are those I absolutely can’t talk politics or religion with because they end up calling me stupid and I don’t take well to that. The last time that it happened, it pretty much destroyed any chance of this dude and I becoming good friends because he acted as if he had every right to act that way, even after the fact because he was passionate about something.

That really has less to do with comfort zones than it does with me not wanting to get into random fights.

But what if you’re the one in the wrong? What if you’re being too sensitive and all the other person is doing is talking about whatever and you suddenly realize that its bothering you? I feel like I can’t say anything because its just not expected of me. Most anyone that knows me knows I can talk about anything and I’m always that guy who tries to leave no topic untouched.

Though what is there to do when things take that unexpected turn and you find yourself on the other side of things.

It’s easy to be the pushy one, but when you catch a glimpse from the flipside—its not all that fun being pushed or pulled.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

My Life in Flux

Last night was probably the last time I will see my friend for the next four years. Things changing is probably the only thing that you can honestly count on in life. It’s funny to think of where I’ve been and what I’ve done and then look at where I am now. It’s not something I would have chosen for myself a lot of the time and other times I wouldn’t have myself be anywhere else.

Maybe that’s why I have such a hard time spurring on new changes myself. It’s hard for me to act on things because of what it might bring. I’m fearful of the ripple effect it will have on my life. Though its not as if I could ever stop change altogether.

I guess its been a sad couple of days, though not in a way I really noticed until I realized how happy I was to speak to my friend after over a year of not talking voice to voice. I needed some cheering up and she provided that. It’s always nice to hear from someone you miss.

Normalcy’s in short supply and I kind of hope things stay that way. A few things can become a constant; familiar faces, voices, friends, a place to just sit and think, but life’s kind of interesting when things are in flux.

Well I have to go nap, last night was rough and I’m a little tired. I got up early just to talk to someone and realize I’d neglected my blog. Story edits are piling up, notes on agents and people to call once this is looking more complete and job applications and offers…Today might be the last time I can get a good rest for a while. So I’m going to soak that up if I can.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Mystery Photo

I’m not sure who this image is of, I know that a friend claimed she got it off of but I don’t know much about it besides that. It’s just one of those examples of stuff I wish I could do in Photoshop mixed with a great picture.


Also, going to try something out with blog titles. Pattern should become apparent soon if it continues.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


These are posters to set the stage for the coming Bioshock game, the game never interested me all that much, but the style of these ads is interesting.





Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I had planned to write today, just write on anything at all to not have to deal with the editing stress and other little things. Today I kind of feel like staying in bed, I’m just really sore and I don’t know what’s the cause of it. My neck was hurt yesterday, but that seems to have mostly passed by now.

The main thing that is going on in right now is I’m wondering how much you can want from the someone else, the world and life in general before it just becomes selfish.

Some people will claim that anything we do at all is selfish, its all just furthering our own desires and if it wasn’t, we wouldn’t do it.

I don’t agree with that. At least, I don’t think I agree with that. I know that’s not the kind of world I want to live in, where all actions are selfish and even you’re most sacrificial of acts can be boiled down to a desire to see your own goals played out.

The question kind of seems like a waste of time as there can’t ever be a definitive answer in it and any discussion further would just result in a round and round argument with now winner.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sentimental Much?

I kept my old Razar phone for some texts that were left inside of it, most of what’s special about a phone is the people who call you on it, the memories of the things they’ve said and the fun had.

These are memories in text that I want to keep. Jokes, random things people sent while drunk, and even a very special message or two.

I want to hold onto these things, is that so odd?

Friday, September 17, 2010


I read a story about this assistant to the Pope calling the U.K. a third world country. The comment was apparently followed by something a bit racist and classist (no doubt about Muslims I’m sure). The comment is funny only because it couldn’t be further from true.

Even funnier are the responses of people who I’ve seen talk mad shit about England and the U.K. jumping to their aid simply because they dislike religion. I don’t think he could have been serious. It’s still rude but it seems like an over exaggeration, they way I people will say something for effect.

Still, its a dumb comment. But its funny to watch people jump in to make other dumb comments to combat nothing.


I think this is what it boils down to.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blind Sided?

Have you ever been blind sided? Just caught completely unaware?

It happened to me yesterday and I really don’t know what to think. First off, when something like this happens its usually a bad thing.

Good thing this wasn’t one of those times.

Been so long, I think I’d forgotten how to really function when something nice surprises me.


Oh yeah, one of my blogs is six years old—light some candles.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hurricane Ike

It’s been two years to the day since the storm and its like it never happened in most parts of the town. Its hard to believe that Katrina was further back than it and that the people in New Orleans have just not recovered to any kind of substantial degree.

Houston was better built and there was more organization here, but at the same time its also a matter of luck. Ike could have very well been worse, it could have brought more trouble but it didn’t.

Well I just wanted to make note of this day.

Hurricane Ike

It’s been two years to the day since the storm and its like it never happened in most parts of the town. Its hard to believe that Katrina was further back than it and that the people in New Orleans have just not recovered to any kind of substantial degree.

Houston was better built and there was more organization here, but at the same time its also a matter of luck. Ike could have very well been worse, it could have brought more trouble but it didn’t.

Well I just wanted to make note of this day.

Bring on the cold

It’s been cooler these last few days, even rainy at some points. Being out in the sun seems to have totally drained me. Somehow I just want to wait this out in the bed, see if its passes.

There’s that looming threat of hurricanes now and at this point I think I just want summer over—bring on the cold.

Kind of Funny…Kind of Wrong Scam

Taken from here:

Women of Xanga...please be warned!

Men of Xanga...please warn the women in your life!

I don't know how many of you shop at Wal-Mart, but while I was shopping there I became a victim of a clever scam.

If it happened to me, it could happen to you!!!!!

Here’s how the scam works:
Two handsome twenty-five-year-old well-built cowboy-type guys come over to your car as you are packing your shopping bags in the trunk. They’re both shirtless and they start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex with their highly-defined chests,  huge muscly arms, and rock-hard abs exposed.

I'll admit’s impossible not to look.

When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say “No” and ask you to give them a ride instead, to another Wal-Mart.
You agree and they get in the back seat. On the way, they start talking about what they want to do to you!Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and starts kissing your neck and begs you to pull over so he can make love to you!! Except while this is going on, the other guy steals your purse!!!
I had my purse stolen last Tuesday, Wednesday, twice on Thursday, again on Saturday, this evening, and most likely tomorrow.

Finished Anansi Boys

Finished Anansi Boys just now, I think out of everything that I read my favorite passage has to be:

Charlie pushed his fedora back onto his head. Some hats can only be worn if you're willing to be jaunty, to set them at an angle and to walk beneath them with a spring in your stride as if you're only a step away from dancing. They demand a lot of you. This hat was one of those, and Charlie was up to it.

Gaiman has such a way with words and at the same time he’s not using overly complex language and it still paints things out vividly and in an easy to understand manner. I really liked this book, though I am not sure if its better than American Gods.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I Am Jack’s Fear

You know that saying about, “if you love something/someone, let them go”? Well it seems like there’s been a lot of that in my life and its usually ended up in loss. Many of those times its really for the better, a lot of the time we can’t see how something is because we hold it too dear or people change and become different people.

I’m praying this time is different, really, honestly praying. The thought has kept me preoccupied recently and I’ve wondered if there were things I could reflect back on and see where they went wrong. Sometimes it was just the absolute wrong person or sometimes it was the wrong thing. I don’t think either of those are the case this time.

Worrying never helped anything, but I can’t help it. So I am doing the only thing I can do when I’m worried like this, I’m praying that this is the time where that bond lasts. I know we’re not supposed fret over what we don’t have, we’re supposed to be thankful that which we do. What I do have right now is a great friend and it would be a shame to lose another person—especially this time.

Well I’m out—gone for the day and signing off in a way that I don’t think I have in about five or six years on this blog. If this is the new copy of the blog, it’s never happened here. But some of you might know it well.

See You Space Cowboy

The Black Knight’s Flag – A little RP moment

Me: After thinking for a moment Dee said, "One more question, do you know of a black knight with a flaming hoofed horse?"

Sebastian: "...blah Knight with a flaming what?" Sebastian had finally awoke amidst the clamor of Itolla's arrival. The Cleric looked a bit...well...out of it.

Me: Dee perked up, "We've also been given marching orders..." she said, "We've got a long fight ahead of us it seems," she said looking out across the plains. Madeleine had only been awake for a few minutes and she hadn't felt like being bothered with people just yet, especially not after the previous night. Despite it, she could hear there was some activity going on so she made her way into the common area. "You missed it Madeleine, there was..." Dee started. "An evil Black Knight?" she asked, "Yeah I saw the whole thing from my tower..." "Say, do you think the flag has some kind of magical effects? You would know better than I do Sebastian, and if it does we should probably get rid of it..." asked Dee.

Sebastian: "Sounds like a Blackguard, or a Paladin from the depths of Baator, given strength by hellfire itself--in truth, a dangerous foe. Your concern is well placed." Sebastian walked over to the flag and muttered something. It wasn't anything particularly potent, just a Detect Evil that he would center on the flag.

DM: How many rounds does Sebastian concentrate on the Detect Evil spell?
Assuming the full 3 rounds. Round 1- There is Evil around Sebastian. Round 2- There is only a single source of overwhelming evil coming from the flag. It stuns Sebastian for 6 seconds and ends his concentration. Within the party none seem to be able to recall anything about the flag. Unless someone wants to try an knowledge roll, i.e. Knowledge history, nobility or local. A horse with flaming hooves is definitely not from the mortal realm. Itolla speaks up as she hears you discussing this black knight. "I've seen hims a few times around. He's not the type to wield a sword or lance into combat. He wields a warmace or warhammer of some sort and with such power you'd think he's the size of a grey render or something. He however does love to toss powerful divine magic at his foe first or enhances his troops with magic before following up. Also he's very difficult to fight magic to magic wise. I've exchanged blows with him before, and without my globe of invulnerability, he probably would have pummeled me to death. A very difficult commander to kill. You guys look like you didn't have much sleep last night." Itolla tries changing the subject. "With this many people here, why don't you take more rest, you will need to be fresh, when trying to hit that supply line. Though my men aren't fresh either, they did have more sleep than you guys did."

Me: Dee stared at her, "Do we look that off?" she asked. She drew her hands about her as Madeleine examined the flag from a short distance. "It looks like a normal flag," Madeleine said. "Well we're sure that it wasn't a normal horse...what with the fire and all," Dee said.

Orseth: "That thing was strong," Orseth muttered to anyone listening, watching the dust swirl over the battleplains below, "Really strong. If I fought it, I'd die. But that's because it's strength is twofold. It has it's own strength, and the strength of whatever evil, Dis I think it said, is backing it up. If we could block that, I think it can be killed. Something like that, killing it would have a positive effect on the entire battlefield for us, right?"

Sebastian: Sebastian fell backwards, stunned by something emanating from the flag. "Is that pyre still burning--don't let anyone directly touch that pole." Knowledge religion; 1d20 + 6, 19+6 = 25 to identify, garner information from the flag of Dis. Generally most heraldry has something to do with religion

Orseth: "If he's a paladin or variation of, isn't that his God, Dis, then?" Orseth continued to theorize, remembering a campaign of his past, "So you block one God with another. We've certainly got enough supporters of whoever doesn't like Dis, right?"

Sebastian: "Dis--a god? Hah!" Sebastian laughed, sarcastically. He then went to his pack, and removed a shirt--something a bit like what a peasant would wear. Wrapping it around the base of the pole so he wouldn't actually be touching the thing, the Cleric squatted down and then gave a great heave, hopefully uprooting the standard (14+2 = 16). "Now...this is a blessing if ever I saw one!"

Orseth: "It's the same concept," Orseth bit back, "Actually, that makes us better off, because actual divine intervention will be even more likely to succeed. My point stands firm."

DM: On a military scale among fiends from the outer realms Sebastian would categorize Dis' rank around either a Sergeant or at best a Lieutenant first rank.He's actually on the 'bottom' ranking of their military might. The flag is just a corrupted flag, intended to influence those around them subtly with evil thoughts, until they break. [evil vs sebi's will]1d20+10=4+10 = 14 resisted Since it is an overwhelming evil, as Sebastian picks up the flag he feels a surge of thoughts running through him, yet with his discipline he resists and suppress these ideas. What is Sebastian doing with the flag? Orseth's guess is good, however he can guess that Sebastian doesn't have the necessary power neither does Lyn or Luemus. Maybe the city itself may have some means of doing it, but with the constant barrage and attacks, the high mages probably don't have the time to develop anything currently.

Me: Dee ran over, "What are you doing touching that thing again," she said, "Be careful!" Madeleine watched from back with the others as she worked with her bow still. She glanced up, "I don't think this bow's gotten this much use before," she said, "you kind of have to break them in."

Sebastian: Sebastian looked at the standard for a moment and then moved his hands farther apart, making sure to keep the shirt between his hands and the standard. He looked around and then announced in a loud voice that might, just might be heard throughout the camp "Do not let the events of this morning trouble you...this, is the power of his God." He waited for a moment, uttered a prayer under his breath (Bull's Strength, Target him) and then brought the standard down over his knee, hopefully breaking it (1d20+6, 18+6 = 24) (If it breaks) "...Now has anyone seen a midden heap?" His voice was tinged with scorn.

DM: The standard breaks on Sebastian's knee on his first attempt. A chilling air surges upward from where Sebastian stands visible to all as a fog. It disappears shortly after, it seems as if an evil spirit had left the flag.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Burning Books

Today I’ve decided to stage a protest against the group I dislike by burning their sacred text.


Take that Furries!

Just a Pair of Quotes

One from Chuck Bass:

The world you're looking at only exists from the outside. The only reason I survive in it is that I always knew it was empty.

One from the mean streets of Utah:

Yo cuz what French people be rapping about? standing on the corner selling hard baguettes? bicycling away from the police?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Working on Cosmology

This is just a bit from my story, I think it will be heavily changed before I actually put it back in there though.


Reality is most often referred to as being a fabric or fabric-like. This comparison is more accurate than most would know. Our universe is like sheets layered one upon another. Most beings exist in one sheet and can only perceive reality in that layer. The average human falls into that category, they wander about their day to day lives and even on the off chance that something from another realm pokes its way into their sight, they shrug it off—ignoring it. Those things don’t mesh with their accepted reality.

A sacred few of the humans can see the bleed over and sense the ebb and flow as the sheets and layers are pushed, pulled and manipulated. They’re a special breed and typically they’re driven mad by their own perception of the world.

There are other beings, Vampires and Werewolves mostly, tethered to this layer and only able to see the world right in front of them. But then there are the beings who bend and manipulate sheets, stepping between them and creating crevices and small creases to step a great distance. They fold the layers at their will, though only momentarily, and force themselves through the fold to create a quick straight line to a point that wouldn’t otherwise have one. Some of these creatures can step into multiple layers at once, they can view them in a kind of stacked vision. Internal picture-in-picture-in-picture.

And the same way they can see and pull themselves back and forth between layers—they can communicate. A single voice can howl through the cosmos reaching the furthest reaches of the universe, reaching down through all of the layers and rippling through space and time. Sometimes a thing in another layer presses so hard or sounds off so loud that its cracking into every reality and reverberating through every sheet.

Today one of those calls is echoing out, rousing anyone with the skill to listen.

Cardboard Tube Knight


This was drawn by my pretend internet little sister, Katie. I love it.

“A Meeting of the Minds” And “Don’t Give Up”

We had a little “Dude’s Night Out” tonight, there might be pictures to prove this later on but the camera is in the car and seeing as how I can actually hear the mosquitoes outside, I don’t want to go out there.

It was a fun little outing, had a nice time, good conversation and all.

I sent a message to a girl on Deviant Art, someone who I aspire to draw sort of like and she told me not to give up and posted a FAQ about it all, she’s right. I can’t give up.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Let Me Tell You How Not to Be a Good Friend

By just ignoring the other person, when you make time for everyone else all of the time and ignore them you really can’t expect me to want to put up with you or even pay you much attention.

And that’s how its going to be from now on.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Hollywood Goes for a More Realistic Body Image?

It’s about time, Hollywood has picked a leading lady who’s not meant to be pitied and she’s actually not an ultra skinny twig woman.

Check out these pictures of Nicole Weaver from The Virginity Hit.

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Anasai Boys

This book has been flying by pretty fast. I simply love the straightforward way in which Neil Gaiman writes.

Oddly enough, this book is very different from American Gods. It’s based in the same world and its a world  I hope Gaiman writes more in, but the story is different.

I did comment that it was good to see someone writing a book about mostly black characters where their blackness was not a huge factor in the story.


She’s hidden a message in a song.

A message so hidden that I don’t know if she herself noticed it. Twisted and wrapped about the lyrics is a sentimental virus that has the means to infect me and damage the last of what I have to hold dear.

Maybe I’m just imagining things. But even then I’ll continue to piece together this puzzle and work through the trail of bread crumbs—even if they turn out to be little more than the aimless mess left behind from a long forgotten meal.

Monday, September 06, 2010

What is wrong with Writer’s Digest?

The title refers to this:

Use appropriate and frequent paragraph breaks. Who doesn’t know this? If you don’t know this, you should be writing.

Use only one name for a character. Sorry, no, several books use different names for characters, especially when they’re changing perspectives and it makes sense. December isn’t going to call her mother Mary, the same as Stroud isn’t going to call his ex-wife Mom. Their third person narration shouldn’t regard them that way either.

Choose entirely distinct character names. Is it just me or are they treating the reader like a dumbass?

Don''t use slang unless you clarify it. Slang is often easily clarified by context. It at time enhances characters and it at time is a beautiful thing to put in fiction. In fact, many words we use here daily are very foreign in other English speaking countries. I really can’t be bothered to follow rules from someone who doesn’t do this “don”t” number to each contraction.

Limit your use of possibly offensive language. Perhaps the most offensive of them all. Most of these treat the reader as if they’re an idiot that can’t follow names and is so wary that a few extra sentences will end their existence. Then they go on to to point out that women are bothered by cursing. Really? I could swear I’ve heard women curse before. I’ve also seen them watch Tarantino flicks and there’s a lot of fucking cursing there.

Gah—this whole thing is just, retarded.

Take Care

So its safe to say that I’m ill.

I’ve been burnt up for the last few days, I spent too much time working in the sun and tiring myself out and its catching up to me. I can’t stand for long, can’t balance myself in the way I should be able to. My eyes burn sometimes, for seemingly no reason, too.

I don’t like being ill in this way, its better when you’re just flat out delirious with pain and you know you can’t do anything and others know it too. People don’t realize that I can feel myself draining out as I move around—like those ridiculously short stamina bars they put in video games as a realism mechanic.

Guess those main characters have the same illness I have.

Yesterday I briefly thought it would be nice to go out and cut the grass.

Yesterday I almost passed out in the yard.

It wasn’t hot, nor was it back breaking labor.

Maddy says I should take better care of myself, I don’t think I know how to or have good reason to. But I try despite that.

Practice Makes Perfect?

I’m working on it.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Lewis and Holly Conversations…

This is just a little something from something I am writing, some of you might recognize it if you’ve ever read this part of Students of the Universe.

“I see,” Holly pushed her bistre tendrils out of her face.

The coke and toast were delivered and the moment the waitress was gone Lewis bit a chunk out of the bread and drank a huge hurried set of gulps. “You really ought to try this,” he said through a full mouth.

“It’s garlic bread. I’ve had garlic bread.”

“Nope, Texas Toast,” Lewis shook his head.

“I’m quite capable of reading the menu,” she sighed. “Don’t you find it the least bit odd that this state seems obsessed with including its name in front of foods that already existed? No one else does that sort of thing.”

Lewis took another drink from his soda. “What about: Turkish Coffee, Rocky Mountain Oysters, French Fries and English Muffins—,“ he rambled the list out as if he had prepared it.

“But most of those were—I mean one of them’s just a euphemism—bugger, never mind,” Holly sat in silence and finished her tea as he ate and drank.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Pick a Side? Why?

I love going from forum to forum, posting on topics of a social or political nature that have to do with current events and being labeled as a Conservative and a Liberal at the exact same time.

It just shows the unending stupidity of some people that before they even know a thing about me, their first instinct is to label someone and then denounce said label. “Oh, you’re just a liberal—that means you don’t care about America” or “You and your Conservative mindset, its people like you that destroyed out economy.”

That has become how people argue these days, or at least its become a their go-to argument when they have nothing else to say. Instead of trying to refute what’s said, they simply claim your part of the other side and try to rally like minds to their cause.

Still its fun to watch them squirm when they find out that I have ideas from either side of the fence and don’t really fit squarely into either camp.

I think more people would be like that…if they actually knew what they were talking about.

The Verdicts are…almost in…

Early word on the story from those reading it is…its good!

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Passenger Seat – Short Piece

A mere hour into the drive and with less than six words between them, Sarah had already decided that she wanted to be Dee. There was something refreshingly innocent about the girl; a youthful feel about her that came more from a state of mind than a lack of time.

She sat in the passenger seat of the El Camino with one pretty, slightly chubby, but shapely leg hanging out the window and her foot propped between the side mirror and car. Whether she was still awake or not, it was hard for Sarah to tell because of the mop of curls that guarded Dee’s delicate face.

Against the rust brown backdrop of the Arizona desert, Dee’s pale lustrous skin, seemingly untouched by sun, made her that much more mysterious. Sarah had to wonder; how did this girl get out here? Why was she hitchhiking? These were the questions one never asked, rules of the road—the rules of those running away. It was never about where you came from and it was all about where you were headed.

Everyone had something to run from.

When Dee stirred and crooked her head to the side to glance at Sarah, she smiled with the hot dusty air whipping her hair back around the headrest. “How much further to Vegas?” Dee asked as they passed another sign for U.S. Route 93.

“We’re almost to Boulder Dam, not sure how far it is from there,” Sarah said with torrid diesel aroma burning at her eyes.

Dee rolled over, adjusting to the hard leather of the seat and tugging her velvety dress down around her hips. “About an hour now, we’re making good time,” Dee said.

Planning Stages

Was looking into a basis for my character, Elizabeth. She’s Holly’s older sister and she kind of needs to be somewhat different and at the same time still seem like a sister and someone related to Holly.

Then I saw this image:

pixie-haircutThis is going to be her basis, right here. Her look, her personality, based mostly off this picture. I know it sounds odd, but at the same time you can tell a lot of things  from an image. Or you can at least draw a lot of things from one.