Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Just a Preference?

“It’s not racism, its just my preference—I don’t date X men/women.”

You hear people say this, see them say it on sites and some obviously think it by how they act about things when it comes to race and dating. The “its not racism…” opener usually means you’re about say something at least vaguely racist. Saying “I’m not racist but Chinese people are mean” doesn’t make you not racist.

I understand preferences in looks, we all have them. But you mean to tell me that if you met someone of a certain race that was perfect except for they were a race that’s not your preference, you would drop them based on that one thing. There’s attractive people of every race, so its hard to say you couldn’t find one in that race. And the idea of worrying about what others think about you is actually rooted in racism too.

When you look at the preference thing, I usually don’t find far eastern Asian women that attractive but if I found the perfect women for myself and she happened to be Asian I would be a fool not to speak to her based on race.

I think people need to get out of their boxes of conventionalism and look more to being open minded in ways that actually mean something. “Not my preference…” sounds like an excuse for you to be racist without having to say so and if you’re not willing to at least give someone a look because they happen to be white, black, Asian, Hispanic, Arabic or whatever…then you should just call it what it is.

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