Tuesday, February 08, 2011

A Path of Your Own Choosing

To Whom It Probably Won’t Concern At All:

I’m sure that if you were to read this, which I know you never will, that you wouldn’t even guess it was about you. You seem to guess yourself to be so hated despite the fact everyone seems to like you and you thought yourself loyal though I know people who could easily give testimony to the contrary.

My problem with you lies not just with you refusal to admit that the atrophy of our friendship is your fault. When I asked those times is anything wrong and you claimed it was fine and when I noticed you acting different but things were still fine, I guess you thought me too stupid or unworthy to hear the truth?

I held you in high regard once, not the highest but I trusted you among friends and the more I see now I think that person I thought was once wise beyond their years is concerned more with vanity, Fairytale-esque delusions of love, and popularity.

Don’t worry. My plan’s not to blab to our old friends or call you out right here to make you look bad. I don’t know if you ever extended the same courtesy to me when I was around, though it doesn’t matter. We don’t run in the same circles anymore and judging by the caliber of company you keep now, your bad choices and excuses won’t ever be called into question.

What I give you is, well, its not mine to give. But I feel I can explain it, you see all of the things you wish and hope for will be pretty empty once you get them with the path you’re following. Any job you get that you think you won’t will be hated, any husband you meet will more than likely be chosen on merits that don’t matter in the wrong run and you’re going to look back and probably not think of me or the other people who you pushed out of the way and just wonder why you feel so sad and alone.

I don’t take pride in thinking this or expecting it, but I don’t think I could say you don’t deserve it. It’s a path of your own choosing, after all.

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