Monday, February 21, 2011

Bad Luck

If I ever had luck, it wasn’t the good kind. I guess it depends on if you believe in that sort of thing. If you think that there’s any merit to how many good and bad things happen to a person on a cosmic scale of some kind. I don’t.

But if I did I would believe I’m ill fated.

The other day, after driving my car for weeks without incident. I was driving out to get some food and I suddenly get a dinging and my dash board is all lit up. Apparently the car was over heating—something its done before and was fixed for recently. Now an entirely new coolant system is acting up and water’s not being pulled from the reservoir into the car.

I looked into it online and it appears that my car has an issue with coolant system troubles.

Right now I can’t afford to fix it, I mean it could be well over 700 dollars so it would take most of my next two checks to do something about it. And I’m hoping its just a hose or thermostat or something simple, but like I said—if I had any luck it would be the bad kind.

So I’m going to give putting water in the car one more try and if that fails I guess I need to explore the thermostat option.

There’s so much else going on, a lot I don’t really want to talk about with anyone and its all internal, I wouldn’t vocalize it. But I hate myself for having these problems and not being able to work them out to any kind of satisfaction.

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