Thursday, July 31, 2008

Moment of Clarity

I figured out why I like this girl...and the way I did it was through something that was a bit of a last resort...something I haven't really done since my brother died. I prayed.

I asked God to give me the strength to tell her all this...this stuff that even in my head made little sense. And then he instead gave me something better...he gave me some sensible words to say.

He put the words right into my head...when I'm around her at work, she makes me happy. Like I truly feel like being there. I feel something I haven't felt in a long time.

I don't want to lean on a person to make myself better, that never works. But she gives me a feeling to aim for, something that I stopped trying to get because I forgot how good it felt.

I think they call it a moment of clarity.

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