Monday, April 18, 2011

A Waste of Time

I’ve decided that I pretty much want out of the online discussions about most shows I watch. I can’t handle the total abundance of stupidity people have for the material they’re watching and the fact that their opinions don’t drive the show.

You can ask someone for a fact about a show or book or movie and get something that never happened and is completely embellished by their need for X. I could sit here and give examples and break down the difference between what you think and want to happen and what actually has happened. I could talk about how the motivations given in the source material are more than likely right when they are given at all and just because it makes something you want look more likely, doesn’t mean anyone else is going to buy what you’re selling.

But really the issue isn’t all of that, it isn’t even that I think only my opinion is right or that I care so little for the opinions of most people on most things. Its just that half of the discussions amount to arguments about feelings and I don’t want to argue with someone about how I feel over something so asinine.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

League of Legends Skins

I just wanted to stop in and say that I found out that Katie De Soua whom I’ve known about on Deviant Art for some time has been working for Riot games and drawing the art splashes for League of Legends.

You can see the work here.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Holly Commission by Green Desire

I had Green Desire draw me a commissioned piece of Holly Prescott from the novel. As most of you know I’m always excited to have someone do a commission for me of one of my characters and in the past I’ve posted some of their work, with the link to their pages of course. Well I wanted to post this one and I wanted to say that she is just awesome, the detail that she’s got in these pieces, especially in the fast is nothing short of amazing. Here’s a small version of the Holly picture.


Of course, click her to make it bigger. But that’s still not the full size of what she did really. Here are some detail shots.


Those are full sized detailed images of the face and hands there, I just love her work. Thanks again Green Desire!

Saturday, April 09, 2011


I am starting to see that the more I have to do and the more I have on my plate the easier it becomes to sort out what I like doing and what’s important. I have limited time during the week when I’m off work so I don’t typically want to bullshit around anymore. And while I love my job it doesn’t leave me much time for the things I have to do such as writing because my ability to write seems to be based on the time of day lately. I can’t do anything worthwhile before nine PM.

I’ve been missing some of my friends though, some of the online ones and some of the ones who have moved away. What’s more shocking is the people I don’t miss, the people I might not see again and it seems I don’t care all that much about it. I guess that could be seen as cruel but many of them were more trouble than its worth.

I got a new phone this week and the first thing I did with it was send a few emails and try some skype calling out, the next thing I did was delete some old contacts. The funny thing is that even though one of my contacts has been dead for over a year and one has changed her number recently I don’t want to delete them for some reason. Both of them are still important to me and one them I still talk to.

Some others I talk to regularly just got the boot, I didn’t care to keep them around because what was there was so superficial and right now I’m just not looking for that.

One thing I want to shoot out there before I go is that my life is entering a new phase, or so I would like to think. I hope things keep looking up because its been years since I could last say they did before this.