Looks like another cold Houston Winter...
Wait? Did I just say another?
And what's this cold I speak of?
I walked outside and was shocked to find...its cold! Wow its been a while...I think right now, more than ever I wish I was in San Antonio again.
Looks like another cold Houston Winter...
Wait? Did I just say another?
And what's this cold I speak of?
I walked outside and was shocked to find...its cold! Wow its been a while...I think right now, more than ever I wish I was in San Antonio again.
I think that I had started to think I wouldn't every meet anyone with whom I could actually have a real relationship with. My day to day activities have made it hard for me to meet anyone who shares the same interests as me and it seems that there aren't places that the poeple I would like to talk to go. They're sure as Hell not in clubs or out at bars for the most part. And while I can have fun at those places...its an empty shallow kind of fun; the same kind I get from eating good Chinese Food or playing Tetris.
It's not going to fulfill any major need...its just a small fix to a bigger problem.
The people I have met that I think I could actually date or would care to spend time with are either too far away or very hard to get hold of and usually busy. Meeting new people would be the normal course of action here. But where do people like me like to go?
Its really a moot point, in my current condition I couldn't see myself venturing out in the first place.
There is a funny thing though, about regrets. I can look back over the past several years and point out the mistakes I made and the things I could have done differently and possibly changed several things at once. It's weird to think about, but then I know some of them would have changed so many other things and I wonder if its worth it to have taken those chances and taken a different branch in that fork in the road.
I guess the only thing that we can learn is to take more risks...I think I am understanding that more and more.
That's it, it seems I am addicted to online forum role plays. I guess its not a bad thing, as it helps me write. But if anyone else has this little addiction. Please let me know.
An ad campaign for atheism has started in Great Britain. They will advertise on the sides of buses in the capital city of London. The ads, which look like this:
What bothers me most about this is the word "probably" in the ad...its like if you want to go all out, go all out.
This article was found on a forum site, where another user said this about it:
The atheist bus campaign launches today thanks to Comment is free readers. Because of your enthusiastic response to the idea of a reassuring God-free advert being used to counter religious advertising, the slogan "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life" could now become an ad campaign on London buses – and leading secularists have jumped on board to help us raise the money.
The British Humanist Association will be administering all donations to the campaign, and Professor Richard Dawkins, bestselling author of The God Delusion, has generously agreed to match all contributions up to a maximum of £5,500, giving us a total of £11,000 if we raise the full amount. This will be enough to fund two sets of atheist adverts on 30 London buses for four weeks.
Well if this constitutes advertising...why not something like this on the side of a bus:
Well this is me getting back into the swing of things. I have made the choice that I want to write in a blog again, that is I want my blog to be a big part of my daily life or at least semi daily life. They don't have to be super long entries, but they have to be long enough.
I've been working more on honing my writing skills than anything else lately, but I am in school and really trying this time to get some serious work done. Other little distractions have popped up though to kind of take my mind off the school thing. I tend to have trouble concentrating on my writing and school work when I am under certain kinds of stress.
I think I miss having people around me that I could just walk out my door and go to visit. The apartments I live in right now don't lend me to the type of people I usually hang out with or any way to connect with the people here. And after my stint at my last job, I have becoming untrusting of others for the reason that they really can't be trusted.
Sure my core friends have stuck around and I have even sought out some of the older ones to bring them back into the inner circle but none of them are near enough that I can just go to them to feel a little less alone. One person in particular that I met a little less than a year ago has become a profound friend and been a big help for me in the way of moral and emotional support.
I have to post a little quote, its a little something from a song:
"I’m not saying that I’m giving up, I’m just trying not to think as much as I used to. Cause "never" is a lonely little messed up word. Maybe I’ll get it right some day. For the first time in a long time I can say that I want to try. I feel helpless for the most part but I’m learning to open my eyes and the sad truth of the matter is I’ll never get over it, but I’m gonna try to get better and overcome each moment in my own way." —Motion City Soundtrack
In the world of blogging I ma kind old school. Not as old school as being like, pen and paper...but old school in the way that I had a xanga and a live journal account...back when they were cool. Now the thing is, I don't say this to brag, in fact I am kind of embarassed by all of this. But when I first found out about blogger, I moved to it.
I guess that's where the trend ends.
Fast forward a few years to the rise of You Tube and with it the video blogger. I have never done it, never even used a webcam. But I thought it was slightly neat, although I don't know if I could ever make the switch. I used to not even look at video blogs, at all. That is until I found out about walllofweird on You Tube. I know this might sound like something stupid, but she's unbelievably cute and I kind of like the sound of her voice. So I will watch her videos from time to time.
I think that she is the only instance of me actually paying video blogs any attention but look at her!
Can you blame me? Not to mention she's funny. Not funny in that Lewis Black or Doug Stanhope, laugh until you shit yourself way, no she's funny cute. Which is different and doesn't seem to effect all people the same way. But I would suggest checking out some of her videos since they can be interesting. In the world of Internet Women Celebs (which some will say doesn't exist) she's a notable entry for cuteness. Another person who actually needs an entry on that list is Miss Paperlillies...check them out.