Monday, March 31, 2008

Happt Rick Roll Day

I've never been much of a fan of April Fool's day, not sure why, but more than likely because I just find it to be a silly 'holiday' at best and I kind of regard it right down there with Halloween. I don't spend my day trying to fool people or any of that because honestly, if you do it on that day, its kind of obvious folks.

That is unless the prank itself is something we can do universally to people and its designated. Like that hitting game people used to play where they would make a shape with their fingers hold it below their waste and try to coax others into looking at it. This mentality is what brings me to the internet equivalent of that.

The Rick Roll hasn't been around too terribly long, but like most things on the internet, it picked up speed and spread like wild fire.

So without further delay, I would like to declare April the first, Rick Roll Day. For those of you who don't understand what a rickroll is, its simple. You try to trick someone into clicking a link to a Rick Astley video, for instance the link is here. But what do I do to trick you? I just send you a link and disguise it.

That's tomorrow for you people, now get on it.

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