Tuesday, September 06, 2011

The Death of Thinking

It’s becoming so obvious why we don’t have more smart television. The viewing audience is entirely too stupid to understand what they’re watching most of the time. When you look back at the popular shows over the last few years they have been rather devoid of intelligence in a lot of ways. Take Lost where they really didn’t answer half the ideas that they poised.

It’s worrying because Doctor Who is starting to suffer the same fate as so many other smart shows, the fans are revolting because of it and some of them are calling things plot holes when they’re just missing the plot…entirely.

Writing my own book has caused me to worry about the whole “is the plot too ambitious” thing and I really think that its sad you have to worry about that. A lot of the time what you’re aiming for isn’t that lofty. It’s just that people are so used to pretty graphics and plots filled with clichés being spoon fed to them to get them through their TV time.

Thinking is something that’s dying out in entertainment media. 

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