Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Lack of Interest

There hasn’t been much of me online lately and really there’s been good reason. With the exception of talking to a few, select people—its not nearly as fun. I’ve been reading more, watching movies, writing or doing other things and even when I do get online in the back of my head I quickly feel the need to go back to doing something more productive unless there’s someone there I truly want to talk with.

I’ve read two whole books in the last two weeks and its been a while since I could claim I have done that. While I’ve neglected to finish up some of my other work, I plan to hop back into that but I was burning so hot doing it I did need a little break.

Things are pretty much changing, only not in an interesting enough way to warrant being spelled out here.

Part of me needed to come make a post though—I do want to keep with this blog, regardless of how the rest of the internet seems to be losing interest for me.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


I just woke up and already I feel like I need a nap again, I don’t know what it is. Lately I feel like I have no energy and circumstances seem to just make it worse.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Most Adorable Woman on the Internet

I came across this site when messing around on It’s a blog for PushingUpRoses—the content is pretty self explanatory. There’s lots of art, posts with writing to journal type entries.

But look at this girl, she actually manages to be funny, smart and gorgeous—and to top it all off adorable at the same time.


And I know, it has been a while since I have posted. I’ve been immersed in editing. My free time has been spent watching Nostalgia Chick and Nostalgia Critic, reading, and playing games.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


If you feel like you could use more depressing shit in your life, pick up a copy of Knowing with Nicolas Cage.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Stick It Out

The last few days have been hard, I’m thankful I have my editing work to throw myself into, games to play and a book to read. Though I don’t see me being able to go at this pace much longer. I’m in bed as long as I can manage most days and even when I’m up and about I’m tired.

Everything is exhausting, I feel hollow and uneasy. Sometimes I feel sick and other times tired, on a bad day its both.

Life without stress wouldn’t be life at all, this is true. But I don’t think it should have these effects on me. Before I had those periods to cool down but when I’m left with my own thoughts is when things are at their worst. I can’t distract myself or pull myself back to rationality all of the time so in those instances I just have to go to sleep. (like I said, usually am pretty tired any)

I can’t really cast blame for this little slump, I can say don’t worry as much as its hard to admit I plan to stick this out. Even if its here to stay.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Dream a Little Dream of Me

I was already sick of the “My” prefix to the posts. This entry is a quick one, hopefully. Though its really hard to tell that going into the whole deal. Sometimes I have a lot more to say than I’ve planned.

Lately there’s been a lot of strange dreams I’ve had. None of them have a central theme and most of them seem to be the kind of thing that you’d get into with a slasher flick. One of them, I was able to wake myself up from using a line of thought from Inception. Basically I began to wonder how I had gotten somewhere, why I didn’t remember traveling and why the people who were with me were there.

Woke me right up.

But these dreams are making it hard to sleep. which when you’re working on an average of four to five hours of sleep a day—isn’t good. Not much time you can cut out of that before its little more than a cat nap.

I don’t have any idea how to remedy it though, how do you get rid of the things your subconscious mind does?

Monday, October 04, 2010

My Momentary Lapse into Selfishness

I had a bit of an absence last night. Couldn’t stand to be online or writing for the rest of the night and I just had to get out to do something. It seems like as things get more stressful, the things that would never bother me normally suddenly become stressful too.

Every little thing snow balls and the weight is just to the point that I can’t be bothered to take on any more and I shut down. That’s kind of what happened the other night and I just wanted no part in anything else that was going on.

Call it a momentary lapse into selfishness, but it happens sometimes. 

Saturday, October 02, 2010

My Thoughts on “Machete”

When I first heard about the Grindhouse movies back when they were in theaters I had some mixed ideas of what to expect. I was going through this “must be mature” phase and thought that it would tarnish all of that if I indulged in movie watching of that kind.

Still when the DVDs came out, the movies hadn’t made the splash that I thought they would so I didn’t rush to by either of them until I saw they were on sale where I worked one day and thought what the Hell.

This was almost a year after their release.

I bought Planet Terror and wasn’t as wowed as I thought I should be, but what did get my attention was the fake trailer for Machete. It was funny, ridiculous and I instantly wanted more. So when I heard it was coming out because of popular demand, I was giddy.

Fast-forward to now—I don’t think I’ve been this disappointed by a movie in a while. It should have at least been to the standard that the other Grindhouse flicks were. But it was just a mess. Most of the ridiculousness and hilarity lost in the blatantly obvious, zealously repeated political message that the movie’s makers tried to hammer in.

All that sticks out from this, over the women hiding phones in their vaginas and the people repelling from rooftops with intestines is that this movie was a platform for illegal immigration and not even a good one. The rhetoric is just a rehash with people saying things like, “We didn’t cross the border, the border crossed us!” and other tired lines from rights battles gone by.

Even those who are in strong agreement with the message probably won’t like the way its handled and I think it would be hard for anyone to review this movie and not make mention of this.

Frankly, the experience left a bad taste in my mouth, I’m hoping that "Get Him To The Greek” will be better, though Russell Brand scares me.

Friday, October 01, 2010

My Busy Signal

I’m taking a break from going back over and editing, painstaking harsh edits this time. I want to delete things that are not needed and I want to cut down word count as much as I can. I should have something more substantial to put here tomorrow though.