Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Party

A while back, as a joke Brandon and I were talking about what Dungeons and Dragons classes each of our friends would be. It’s pretty easy to do since all you really need is a basis of a person’s personality and the imagination to take their quirks and behaviors to the most extreme place. The joke never really got past a few laughs, but I kind of always wanted to make a little list of some I had in my head before. I’ve tried not to repeat any classes, but there’s only so many viable ones.

  1. Brandon – Cleric: I think my reasoning behind this one is pretty obvious.
  2. Rickey – Monk: If anyone was ever deadly with his hands, its Rickey.
  3. P.J. – Sorcerer: He seems to be able to easily dazzle the Hell out of people and its probably all Charisma based.
  4. Maddy – Wizard: This one involves study and intelligence above all else. If there’s anyone more dedicated to that I don’t know them.
  5. Brandon B. – Bard: He’s always trying to inspire courage and every weekend he comes back from the club with some epic tale to orate to me.
  6. Heather – Evangelist: When I read this class I couldn’t think of anyone else but Heather.
  7. Sarah – Crusader: When it comes to being devoted to causes, Sarah makes most people I know look lackluster. This one is all about being devoted.
  8. Andrew – Ranger: Come on…we used to call the guy “The Woodsman”.
  9. Greg – Master Thrower: He’s clever, but clumisness gets in the way. So might as well use that to clumsiness to throw off the enemy.
  10. Me – Paladin: Everyone who I have told this joke to always says this…meh
  11. Landis – Blackguard: He’s my evil opposite.
  12. Crystal – Rogue: Not quite because of the finesse but because of the daringness.
  13. Jo – Scout: Because Jo wouldn’t have much reason to get up close in the battles when she could use her wits and stay back to fight.
  14. Brenton – Barbarian: This is just because it would be funny to see him running around in animal skins and a loincloth.

Well that’s that…this might be the nerdiest thing I have posted in a while.

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