Monday, November 14, 2005

I Am Jack's Change In Pace.

I apologize for the recent lack of updates to this blog, I really haven't had much to say, what do you say really when you don't understand half of what's going on yourself? But I really wouldn't like to go into the same old things again here, its getting kind of tired and I have other thingsq going on anyway.

For one I talked with Allison about she and I, and we're still friends and nothing more. She explained to me that she's not going to be dating anyone for a while and when I asked if I should wait for her she said that she just didn't want a relationship of any kind. I really have to commend her on actually telling me the truth, last time I went through all of this I went out on a date and found out after that the gir lhad no intention of considering me for anything other than what ever the hell we were.

In other going ons I went home this weekend and saw the movie Jarhead finally, I loved it, the whole thing was just perfect. I think it was Jake and Fox's best performances that I have ever seen. I really don't have a bunch of analytical stuff to say about this, but I do have to say that if you haven't seen it, I would go, its well worth the money!

Well I really need to get going, I have more drawing to do, if you want to check me out at deviant art, my screen name there is ctk86.

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