Friday, January 20, 2012

Not Bothering

I’m not running the rat race with women anymore. I’ve put in enough time and effort trying to talk to girls I was generally interested in thinking that it actually meant something. It doesn’t.

So I don’t feel like its worth the effort chasing after this shit anymore when there are much easier goals to attain that don’t rely on someone else’s feelings and other bullshit being in tune and them having some level of sanity. Not really going to bother with anyone who’s wanting me to work to be with them or work to gain their attention initially.

Trust me, you’re not as special as you think.

Friday, January 13, 2012

My Photos So Far

This is my gallery for anyone looking at this. It’s all work safe.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Writing Binge

I’ve been on a writing binge while my ear is getting better. Two days ago I couldn’t hear and now I’m actually able to hear out of the left side again. The right side is seemingly fine. It’s always the same ear too! Which I really don’t get but whatever.

As for what I’ve been writing. Short answer is not what I’m supposed to be writing. I did some fan fictions and I am finishing up one of my longer fics now. There’ll be links below.

Devil on the Isle of Dogs – My first big Sherlock fic, its pretty much centered on Molly and it features a cameo by Holly and Lewis.

Danger Night – more Molly/Sherlock pairing dribble.

Driver – Sherlock gives Molly a birthday gift, though this one was just smut for the sake of it.

The Next Great Adventure – a kind of general story featuring Sherlock and my character Dee.

These are just the completed or near completed works.

Friday, January 06, 2012

Probably Not That Surprising

I’m constantly surprised by how far some men will go to get the attention of all the women around them. I’m even more shocked by how many women give it to them, knowing that this guy is currently involved with someone else.

And when the guy sleeps with a girl and calls her a slut to his male and female friends, I like how nothing is said about his behavior and how the fact that he cheated is never the issue.

Sorry, I’m watching this cycle at work and what’s most frustrating is that its effecting me, the noise, the arguing, the little BS going on around me and I can’t move because we only have so many places to sit and all of them are around this bullshit.