I don’t really like this notion that there’s not a good reason to be up after a certain time or that anything going on after 12 AM is sinister. I went through this argument with my parents and pretty much every older person I know. They have this old world idea that top be a good, productive member of society that you need to be up by eight in the morning for some reason.
Even though anyone who lives in a modern country should know that’s rubbish.
There are twenty-four hour pharmacists and other businesses where someone has to be manning the store or working the place. Emergency rooms are open all night, where would we be with out round the clock Police, Fire and other workers like that?
And as I’ve said it before, I write better a night. When its two in the morning I feel like I’ve hit a real stride and I’m on the way to penning something better than I would at two in the afternoon. Writing has been called The Midnight Disease and rightfully so. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with someone for wanting to be up at night, I don’t think it makes their intent more sinister.
Hell, if we’re going to talk about sinister, all of the bankers and the like that helped to profit from the failures of others were probably working nine to fives like society says they should, how sweet of them.
I’ll continue to live by the schedule I keep now until some change in my life that actually makes sense dictates otherwise. I will make sure that there’s nothing from outside influencing something as simple as the hours I keep and when I choose to work and eat and sleep.