Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Rape and Child Porn are Constitution Rights?

I am becoming increasingly disgusted by the state of some people online and what they view as appropriate. After some feminists lobbied to have Rape simulators and child pornography games banned, a ban which I fully supported, there was a mobilization the likes of which you don't often see on the internet. People shouting about free speech, about their rights, about America being more open sexually...what were they all so adamant about protecting? Racial rights? Gay rights? Abortion rights?


They wanted the right to play sexual games that involved children and raping women. And I don't mean the legal definition of a child. A sixteen or seventeen year old girl, while considered a child, is fully grown in most ways biologically and in many country they are considered adults for sexual purposes. I am talking about actual children. Persons nine and ten years old and sometimes younger.

What's worse is that the ban's major target, rape, is seen to be by some as a normal sexual desire for someone to have. They don't see anything wrong with playing a game where the entire object is to rape someone else and there is no other path to take. In fact, they see the way that stores have stopped carrying the games and that refuses to sell them as a gross miscarriage of justice.

People cried out that "even women have rape fantasies"--yes some of them do claim that, but the fact that they're having a fantasy about it doesn't mean they want to be raped and truly saying that you think a woman would enjoy rape should upset any woman within a ninety three million mile radius. Some would make the argument from an anthropological argument that rape is only culturally unacceptable here, therefore its not our right to promote our values worldwide. To them I say this, rape, whether accepted or not anywhere in the world, if it is truly rape. It's wrong. Rape is never right, never can be. End of story.

These games were made in Japan, a place where things are seemingly calm. But lets not forget that a years ago there was a call for them to provide separate train cars for women because of men rubbing against them. So its not that hard to see that even in a country as set on honor of family and the like, there can be problems. But the thing is, countries like Australia have already banned animated child pornography--the portrayal of rape I doubt will be messed with there. The U.K. took steps to do the same recently. While the U.S. is kind of playing with the idea, even going as far to take a man to court over it, I think that the issue here is this.

If a company wants to make video games about rape, child molestation and bestiality, they are actually free to do so because of our Constitution. But any store, corporation or person is free not to sell, own or buy them and we are all free to protest them. Furthermore, if you find sexual gratification watching actual rape--not that role playing stuff--then there might be something wrong with you. Correction. There's something fucking wrong with you. If you get sexual gratification from seeing children nude or placed in sexually explicit or suggestive situations, you are a pedophile.

I can't sugarcoat this and I frankly don't care about the feelings of anyone who would want to argue these statements with me. On the subject of pedophilia and the outcry that the people always make about "can't you just call us Lolicon Lovers?" Nope. I could call the Klan Aryan Race Enthusiasts, doesn't make them any less of a horrible cancer in the body of the Human race.

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