Monday, September 22, 2008

It's Been A long While

Alright, I don't want to write too much right now because I simply don't feel like it. It's been a while since I wrote in any of my blogs and ALOT has happened. Unfortunately I haven't been in much of a mood to deal with it or write about it. I just found out I will have to wait one more day to register for school because of hurricane Ike.

In fact, everything for the past week and a half can be chalked up to Ike and its effect on Houston. I can't even think of a time when I have seen the city this unorganized, its shocking really. Something that took less than a day to happen has effect this city and every city in a line due north of us up to Chicago.

On top of that I have been reflecting on a lot of things, trying to find things out about myself and doing some serious soul searching. My head probably can't take much more but I can tell you this, I will have something to write here later, once I sort out all that's happened.

In the mean time, Fall is near...the cold air is near which excites me and at the same time I just wish things could be like they were two or three years ago. There's nothing good right now, nothing how it should be.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

You Want To Make 200 Bones Bro?

This was too funny for me not to have to read the pictures, as I won't be able to get the text out of them..this guy posted this on a message board, he got it off another board. But this has internet gold written all over it.

There is an email responding to a question about how this isn't sexual next, check it out...

This is so fucking awesome.

If the pictures are too blurry, here: