Saturday, May 31, 2008

Not Caring

So I've decided to start carrying a whip...

I went and saw Indiana Jones today and man is it just further proof how much people demonize a movie based on an old thing. The complaints I had about this movie were so few and far between and in the ultimate idea of how I liked the movie, they never really mattered.

But I didn't write this to talk about movies the whole time, not this time anyway. Tonight I was supposed to go out and hang out with this girl, of course she never called and probably won't bother to. I'm getting used to that but honestly I don't know what else to expect.

I can do anything I want and regardless the girl still reacts the same way, they still react by not calling and just flat out ignoring the plans we made. I'm not sure I care anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my God....After reading this, I started crying...Such monsters, because I can't call that person ''human'', deserve more than death; he deserves to be tortured, to suffer just like he made that innocent woman suffer. What is now left of her? After living such a nightmare, no one can continue living a normal life. The damage that has been done to her body cannot be compared to the psychological wounds that ''man'' did to her mind. The body will be healed in time, but her soul not. No one can erase the memory of that nightmare; her wounds will leave scars that won't ever let her forget...Maybe he would be in prison, far away from her, but his memory will always haunt her. Just imagine, what intense despair, what terror must she have felt...brought to the point where she couldn't bear it anymore...This woman's ruined. Her attacker didn't just destroy a body, no; he destroyed a life.