Well I have been away a while and suffice to say that a lot has happened recently and I can't even go over it all in one post. There was a little bit of time where I pretty much just posted my story in this thing and that's because it was what was going on with me right then. But now I actually have other stuff to say, other things to talk about.
For one if you can't tell, which you can't because to the rest of the world things look the same, my old computer finally died. It had been around since probably 2002 in some form or fashion and it died about a week ago as I was putting the finishing touches on my story. In its wake it left my files pretty much in tact for me to move to this new machine, a sleek and beautiful HP, the first pre-built desktop I have ever owned.
But this change is not without setbacks, I lost many of my favorites, some smaller files and the like to a harddrvie failure so I can not stress this enough when I say you have to back things up. It's just that important.
Alright now, there isn't much else to say about some things. Still having bad luck with dating, and recently the problem has been I get ignored after one date. Not sure what I did to get that, but I have to say once again, because it seems all too common with the girls I deal with, being a coward never looked good on anyone. If you don't want to see a guy again just tell them. Don't wuss out and take the simple way. Being non confrontational isn't what you're doing, you're just wasting the time of that guy. It'd be different if you acted like you hadn't had fun on the date, but in my experience they do.
Other things, I have become some what of a movie pack rat, in the last few weeks I have bought far too many movies and television shows on DVD. Among them Supernatural Season Two, Indiana Jones Trilogy box set, and some old cartoons even. I don't have much time to watch the shows I want so I figure I will just watch some movies and DVDs while I am not doing much.
Well all I have to say is, its good to be back and its good to be able to finally type this up. I didn't HTML kit until today and that's what I put all my entries in. I missed doing this though.