Thursday, April 30, 2009


There's been a little bit of time since since I actually got to sit down and write in this, or write something in this that I really wanted to. I guess a lot has happened since I last touched this blog and some of it is documented in other places, but I will be moving it here, so if the gaps in date between this post and the last is suddenly closed, you'll know why.

It seems that its wedding season all over again, after having the last wedding I was supposed to attend get canceled, not that I wanted to go in the first place, two more wedding's have come up. These two, I actually care about, being the difference this time. For some reason it still kind of surprises me when I see people I know getting married. I think that Tiffany was the first to really do it and I was shocked then because I just don't think of us as being that old, even though we're getting older every second.

I feel like soon I'll be sitting there thinking, "holy shit, I'm 45" or something to that effect. Of course that's only if we make it that long. Just as shocking as the marriages and babies that have come up are the deaths. A few people I know have died in accidents and the like, even one or two have just dropped completely off the radar screen. I am sure that somehow some of them will turn up later.

Life seems to sometimes work like a plotted out novel, people vanish from the pages only to turn up much later and slip right back into the lives of the characters. I wonder sometimes if that's a sign of something more, then again it could just be a sign of just how small the world we live in really is. I can't say that I want to see all of the people who went away, but sometimes I think that it would be interesting.