Sunday, October 02, 2005

Change in the Wind

I spent the day meeting several new people just because I felt like it, all in all I must have met several new girls and guys which makes me happy. More and more I am starting to see that some people were right about what I'm doing with friends around here. I just needed to have a wider variety of friends. I think that's part of the reason that I am stuck here all of the time, no one I know want's to get out. Earlier this week I want to Burger King with these three Freshmen girls and I relaized that its not hard just to hang out with people.

It's just that whenever I mention that to most people I get a Man, its too hard to just talk to people, people are difficult to work with.

People are not that hard to deal with, it just that it's much easier to sit here all day than to try and be social. Well from now on I'm going to try and get to know people. I've been reassured just how nice people can be around here really. I've also been reassured that I need to stop making certain kinds of jokes as they don't pretain to the general population.

See my friends make a lot of references to animes and videogames in their jokes, and it was cool when it was just us hanging around and talking in the dorms or at the dinner table. But the problem comes when we're at the table with someone and all that we're doing is thosek inds of jokes. I watched this girl sit there today and just try to force laughs out because my friends were all laughing at something that wasn't even all that funny to begin with.

See I had gone to dinner with some guys that I met earlier today, and when they left I hung out with some of Brandon's old friends, they were pretty cool. There was this gorgeous redhead with them, she was like spectacular looking. But that's besides the point. Some girl came in and I was walking about how I hated where we were sitting. And this girl was at another table. By now all of the girls on the side of the room we were on had left.

So I was talking about this little setback, when suddenly she looked up and laughs about it because she over hears me. Well after she was done laughing she invited me over to the table where she was. Which was odd because, one a girl inviting me anywhere is odd and two she was way too pretty for me to be seen with normally.

Well Brandon, this guy named Frank, his friend Cody and I moved over to sit with her. It was all going good, I mean good conversation and everything. But when the rest of our other friends showed up here come the jokes. Sometimes I would like to talk without having to guess that reference or get a perfect 32 joke combo.

So now I think I need to start dispursing myself around from place to place, I have met so many people today that I could see at least being friends with. I'm looking forward to the next few weeks. I hope that with all of this I finally find something that I can be happy about, I know its not good to look for happiness in other people. But the problem is I'm not happy with who I am, I've become a recluse, I don't even carry my cellphone around anymore. I just stay here stuck to a drawing pad all day. I need to be out there.

Until next time, good fight, good night.

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