Thursday, June 16, 2005

Pictures, Batman, Kay and Mulder?

Here we go, I have these pictures of the dorms to post.They're pretty nice, I think it would have been better if I had gotten these before they started on the pool out there in the center. Oh well, this is the view from my balcony:

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First up we have this little number, its a shot from the middle of the blacony. The building down on the ground to the far left is a neighborhood center where we can cook and stuff

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Now here's the second angle, same thing, different view

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And now for something totally new this is a view to the far right of the balcony, down there is the path that leads from the back of the dorms to the front.

I know that's not a lot, but I will start to take more pictures since my life has been less than interesting lately.

I saw Julia today and we went and saw Batman I enjoyed it, made up for the last two shitty Batman movies.

Today seemed kind of short, I got a call from Alli this morning, she just wanted a person to talk to and I was glad to talk to her. Talk to Marisa some this afternoon before the movie, the more and more I think about it today has got to be one of the best days since I've been back.

I even got to talk to Kay again today, I love talking to her, I just feel like I have a person who feels the same way I do about everything. It's hard to describe what its like to be able to talk to someone and never have to sit there and go damn, I really want her to stop talking.

It's good to enjoy talking to her, and its good thinking that I have someone I can call that I can relate to and everything. I can only think of one reason I'm kind of scared about all of this, its not anything stupid or trivial, and its not something I want to hide from her, I just can't tell her myself because its hard for me to say things like this.

And she reads this and I hope she asks me about this if she sees it, I just don't think that she'll be as happy with me as she would like to think. It's not that I don't want to get my heart broken, God knows I can take it, its just that I think she'll be disappointed and it'll be my fault if that happens.

I want to talk to her about, so what do I do...

At times like this I just wish that I could be like Fox Mulder:

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Just look how bad ass he looks, how can one man be this cool? Oh well, every blog needs at least two pictures of Mulder up a year, here are mine. I better get to work on what I have to do, gotta make the grade and all.

See ya!


K. said...

please dont be mulder, he works with aliens, and thats just, well, creepy...

and i already told you you were wrong about your whole little fear, but i will tell you again, YOU ARE WRONG! hehe.

i promise...

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

I wrote this last night, can't you tell? And thank you for the gentle reassurence.