Saturday, June 11, 2005

Contains Some Wax...

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Alright sorry I have been away for a while. I have been utterly distracted; what with my dad being here and all and all of the cooking I've been doing.

I got this new deep fryer, yeah this is going to cause me to fry myself sick over here. But I should start working out pretty soon.

In other news I've been talking to Kay alot, its fun having someone to identify with over the phone or in real life. I have no one to talk to here, and I can't even call Marisa now. Her grandma died yesterday, I just feel like I'm useless when I try to console her. How do you talk to someone who already has so little of her family left?

I wasn't made for this, I'm not good at talking to grieving people. I wish I had the heart for it, but if a girl were to cry in front of me, especially Marisa I would fall apart.

In light of all of this I have some good news, I just saved 10% on my car insurance.... Well no, that wasn't the news I had. My news, there's actually two pieces—first off, our lovely friend from Missouri Amanda has finally graced us with her prescence [I know I spelled that wrong].

Now for the second little blessing, I might be getting a job at Circuit City, I hope it pans out. If it does don't expect me to blog about it, I don't know about company policy on that kind of thing and I'm too lazy to read down the contract and find it. So bare with me.

I better go a head and get off of this think, I left the picture at the top in commemoration of the time I had lots of food in my fridge here. Enjoy Crayola juice! Julie, do you still think you write more than me?

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