Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Nothing Better To Do...

I find that there's not a lot to do here besides blog. At least with this I have something I can work at that doesn't take too much time to work on. Something that I can just write off the top of my head.

I used to write all my stories off the top of my head. I would sit in school and when I got an idea I would just try to remember it and put it in the story when I got home. It's hard to do that, more and more I found myself wanting to write down a plan for the story in a notebook.

WHen I started it was like i couldn't stop, everything ended up in that notebook! Right now I kind of do the same thing with this blog, I write everything down in it.

I was watching Cheaters just now and I realized something. The women on there that get cheated on always seem to get mad at the other woman too, even if the other woman had no idea what was going on.

I do no understand that at all, they should work together to beat him up.

In the realm of things that are going on around here I talked to Ambrosia yesterday, funny thing, she was on the internet trying to get Windows Messenger to work. I tried to help her with it a bit and she had to go.

She's one of the few people that I met at orientation that I would never mind hanging out with, she was a sweet person and had no annyoing qualities. Maybe I'll see her sometime later this week.

Well I don't really have much else to say, so I better get working on what I have to do today.

1 comment:

The Cardboard Tube Knight said...

Fun, I never ally myself with men, unless ther'es a good reason, for the most part I end up sticking with the girls side or the girls point of view.